Not since the OJ Simpson trials have I seen so many of my fellow Americans captivated by a court proceeding. I cannot speak for everyone, but I know many folks, myself included, were on the edge of our seats awaiting the jury’s decision on the Kyle Rittenhouse case. I will admit, there was a part of me that had doubts. This is especially true when the rumor spread of a 6-6 tie in the jury. But as is it turned out, Kyle was found not guilty on all charges and America celebrated. All of America celebrated except for the radical Communist Democrats. You know who else celebrated? In his own way I am sure Donald Trump celebrated too.
Why was I so happy that Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty? Afterall, I have no real connection to the kid. Those of us that are 2nd Amendment supporters have a vested interest and I am glad for the result and how it will affect us gun owners. But why the relief and jubilation? Why the emotional involvement on the level it was? I saw a clip of entire bar filled with people watching the verdict and you would have thought they all won the lottery. I suspect the reasons are multiple, but on a very basic level, Americans like to see justice served.
That is what makes our current political environment so difficult. We the jury of digital soldiers, the new journalists of clandestine truth, the sleuths of the new media have witnessed for years now the miscarriage of justice of those who are guilty beyond any shadow of doubt we can imagine. As if the Deep State presides over a kangaroo court like Judge Schroeder just waiting to claim a mistrial over every verdict they don’t like. Only difference is, the Deep State has done just that numerous times. Do we need to be reminded of the Hillary email scam and how she was let off? More often than not, those that are patently guilty don’t even go to trial, making the phrase “justice delayed is justice denied” so very painful for us.
But we are at war folks! Make no mistake, the shadow war is still raging, and justice will come to those who are guilty. The timing of these events is not entirely up to Trump (which makes his display of patience even more impressive). Battlefield situations and moves by the enemy often dictate how quickly a war is ended. America fought World War 2 in two theaters with multiple fronts and it took us 4 to 5 years to wrap things up. In the end, the Allies did the right thing, and the crimes of the Nazis were dealt with in Nuremberg. It has only been 9 months since we fell under Biden’s occupation and all we are being asked to do is hold the line, be patient, and get active locally (if we can). America did the right thing almost 70 years ago and we will do the right thing again.
Over the course of the last 4 years, I have closely followed Trump and his many calculated moves. The scope of this war is in many theaters and numerous fronts. In the theater of domestic and foreign enemies interfering in our elections, Trump is giving all Americans a chance to do the right thing. Time and again, he has painstakingly waited for his enemies to do the right thing; giving them chance after chance to course correct and find a path to redemption. Sadly, many of the Democrats and Deep State players choose poorly and double down on their crimes, making the cover up worse than crime.
The patience and the willingness of Trump to give his enemies every chance to be redeemed is a quality rarely found these days in people. Left to our own devices, if we were in his position there would be a shortage of rope and not because of supply chain issues. This makes the Rittenhouse case and the decision all the more satisfying. You see Judge Schroeder could have stepped in and declared a mistrial, but he chose to let the jury decide. The 45th President could have stepped in and declared voter fraud, but he gave the electoral college and the courts a chance to do the right thing…and they did not. Of course, their poor decisions were accounted for and events unfolded as Trump designed. However, those who betrayed him and betrayed what is right and true are exposed and put on notice: Justice is coming for you!
It is a fact that Guantanamo Bay Facility underwent a massive expansion to include facilities for court proceedings. Why do you suppose this is? There will be a Nuremberg 2.0 and there will be a time where we can all celebrate justice being served on a massive scale. The only thing that separates us from satisfying our sense of justice and now is…time. We did our part; we voted, and Trump won in a landslide. It is up to Trump, his continuity team, and the military now. Until then, I will continue to replay the verdict of the Rittenhouse trial like I did the 2016 MSM media melt down of a Trump victory. Let’s celebrate the Holidays, be thankful for friends, family, our country, and a President who has more patience and mercy than perhaps some of us. The world is watching, and America will do the right thing.
Great job!!
Every time I've re-watched Kyle's reaction to the verdicts, I am deeply emotional with a potent combination of true joy and relief that justice was done. Charlie Brown made contact with the football.
I felt that same sense of true joy on Nov 8 2016 and Jan 20 2017.
As you state, this ain't over yet. We have work to do. All the pain and the hard work will make our victory that much sweeter.
Great piece, BN. Thanks for taking the time to put your thoughts into pixels.