It has been a few decades now since my first attempt at playing the WW2 board game Axis and Allies. I still vividly remember this game and how I was able to win on my first attempt. I was stationed in Millington Tennessee (MTTC) for US Navy Avionics training and was asked to play this game with a couple of guys one Saturday morning. There was nothing better to do at the time, so I reluctantly agreed.
The game can get pretty involved, and it was clear that these other players had played this many times already. My inclination was to avoid conflict and build up my forces. I had chosen to occupy North America as part of the Allies. This isolationist strategy worked and once I was able to gain long range bomber technology, they stood no chance. I bombed the crap out of their armies, and it was glorious! It turns out that history bears record that this same strategy was more or less used by the United States leading up to the war.
If we look at America just prior to our involvement in World War 2, it was a time of transition. It was a time in which the economy was still on shaky ground. The central banks were still recovering from the 1929 Depression and a recession in 1937 through 1938. Americans were working but not freely spending and it was a slow march towards progress. While this was happening, Europe was on the brink of war! The ex-president Herbert Hoover had a message:
The date is October 28, 1939, and the New York Times is reporting on America’s arms embargo and the neutrality bill. The Post is offering ex-President Hoover’s isolationist appeal, “We Must Keep Out.” -
We must keep out was the message. The United States was not THE superpower yet, but we were about to find our true potential. Other countries recognized the United States emerging strength as a producer, innovator, and military power but they had not seen anything yet. The best was yet to come.
“Neither the rise of Adolf Hitler to power nor the escalation of Japanese expansionism did much to change the nation’s isolationist mood in the 1930s. Most Americans still believed the nation’s interests were best served by staying out of foreign conflicts and focusing on problems at home, especially the devastating effects of the Great Depression.”
I think about this message today as world events are unfolding. The world is dropping the dollar as the reserve currency, Russia and China are asserting their regional power, and the United States can do little to stop this. Events are unfolding globally as if the United States is sitting this one out and our economy is on VERY shaky ground. It feels like 1939 all over again.
What Might Have been
I recently watched a very disturbing (yet thrilling) series on Prime Video called “The Man In The High Castle” in which a dystopian America is divided between the German Nazis and the Empire of Japan. It’s a fictional tale of what America would be like had we lost the war. I have flashbacks of this movie as world events unfold around me. Sometimes I wonder who actually won. Did good really triumph over evil? The answer is yes! We won but it seems like the forces we defeated over 75 years ago never really died. In fact, it would appear a global force worse than the Nazis has been in control of the levers of power for quite some time.
I am haunted by an America that could have been from the fictional novel by Phillip K. Dick: ”The Man in the High Castle.” The thought of the Nazis SS being in charge of our country infuriates me. The thought of the empire of Japan having control of the west coast is upsetting. The reality is that much of tyranny described in the book appears in our media and government today. The patriots in resistance cower in fear and they meet in secret in the dark corners of the internet. The watchful eye of the media gestapo and government SS is looking for patriots to prosecute and destroy. So, who won the war exactly?
We won the war in Europe and in Pacific definitively. Where we failed as a nation is everything from that point on. The Office of Strategic Services that was formed during the war became the Central Intelligence Agency. We now cower under the political weaponization of the CIA and the FBI. Had we lost the war we would be under the iron fist of the SS or the brown shirts. Come to think of it, is it that much different than Antifa or BLM? Is it that much different than Corporate America forcing ideology upon us? How do we stand up to the pronoun police, the trans tyrants, and the woke warriors? What might have been seems like it already has happened.
The Shift
In many ways, it appears the USA has turned into the very thing it claimed to defeat over 70 years ago. We claim to be the defender of “Democracy” for the world when, in fact, we are using foreign oligarchs to launder our tax dollars back to our own politicians. Our CIA has conducted horrendous operations in the name of democracy. It is easy to see now how other countries might view the US as a tyrant and evil.
Countries like Russia and China openly mock and vilify our woke culture. The evil that we are being forced to embrace in the form of homosexuality, gender dysphoria, and pedophilia is an abomination to Orthodox Christians in other nations. I want you to consider words of our supposed enemy Vladimir Putin in his most recent state of the union speech:
“They distort historical facts and constantly attack our culture, the Russian Orthodox Church, and other traditional religions of our country,” Putin said of Western nations supporting Ukraine.
“As it became known, the Anglican Church plans to consider the idea of a gender-neutral God … Millions of people in the West understand they are being led to a real spiritual catastrophe.
“Look at what they do to their own people: the destruction of families, of cultural and national identities and the perversion that is child abuse all the way up to paedophilia, are advertised as the norm … and priests are forced to bless same-sex marriages.”
To my shame, he is not wrong about what the United States and the West have become. This is a big wake up call for many and this is where I begin to formulate my own position. Putting “good guy” and “bad guy” labels aside, who identifies more closely with what I believe?
“Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right.” - Abraham Lincoln
Towards the end of my first game of Axis and Allies one of the other players “accidentally” bumped the table and all the pieces were shifted around. It didn’t matter, they knew who won. Maybe it’s time we bump the playing board and let all the playing pieces fall to the floor. Maybe it’s time we take a different perspective.
The role of the United States as a world cop is coming to a close. We see that happening regionally in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and now perhaps in the Pacific. Russia is exerting itself as a regional power in Eastern Europe, China in the Pacific, and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East.
The conflict in Ukraine, meanwhile, is only the latest in a series of recent developments to destabilise the decades-old, US-led world order: the ongoing tension between the US and China, rising political populism and the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, we are experiencing what at the very least can be termed “slowbalisation”, if not outright deglobalisation.
Multi-polarization is happening. You can call it nationalism or the antithesis of globalization, but the effect is the same: The United States is no longer the lone superpower. Furthermore, alliances like BRICS indicate to me that the world is moving towards more their own interests and not ours. The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) alliance has established itself as a legitimate force to oppose the United States and the petro-dollar. Does that make them our enemy? This quote was from 2017:
As one Indian specialist put it, the BRICS have played a decisive role as a transition vehicle to today’s multipolar world, facilitating the exit from a world seen in North-South and East-West terms and easing the pain for India of moving beyond the non-aligned movement.
What I am suggesting is that the boardgame pieces have already hit the floor, whether we recognize it or not. The sooner we start re-evaluating who the players are and matching them with our values, the better off we will be as a nation. Consider this next statement from Putin:
“They just tried to use these principles of democracy and freedom to defend their totalitarian values and they tried to distract people’s attention from corruption scandals … from economic-social problems.” – Vladimir Putin
Again, Putin is not wrong. I love my country; I want everyone that shares in my love of country to prosper and live a full life. The American dream is worth fighting for; our children’s safety and prosperity is worth fighting for. However, the corruption that has infected our country must be seen as the enemy: the Axis of Corruption.
Axis of Corruption
The United States has chosen to align itself with corruption. The Ukraine conflict is a perfect example of this. One could argue that Ukraine is the epicenter of global corruption. In fact, it is more than that. In my previous articles on the subject (Trumps Winter Soldier, Mysterio Revealed, and The Kingpin and the Globalist cabal), Ukraine is the heartbeat of Nazism and the birthplace of the Kazarian Mafia. It is no coincidence that Putin had decided to attack here:
“What I think is important to emphasize further is that the leading NATO countries, in order to achieve their own goals, support extreme nationalists and Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, who, in turn, will never forgive the Crimeans and Sevastopol residents for choosing reunification with Russia.
“They, of course, will crawl into the Crimea, just like in the Donbas, in order to kill, just as the gangs of Ukrainian nationalists, Hitler’s accomplices, killed defenseless people during the Great Patriotic War. They openly lay claim to a number of other Russian territories.
Our country has aligned itself with Nazis in Ukraine. The Axis of Corruption is formed, and Ukraine is bringing all the Axis players to reveal themselves. The dirty deeds of Ukraine and our government will be laid bare for all to see and already is. I cannot root for the success of the Axis of Corruption.
The Pentagon said on Thursday that it has operated 46 biolabs in Ukraine handling dangerous pathogens, after previously dismissing the charges as Russian propaganda.
The Biden crime family has no choice but to align with Ukraine. Burisma and all the shady deals there must be covered up. Bidens famous quid pro quo bribe of a Ukrainian prosecutor is evidence of the need for a cover up:
Watch the full video here:
This example of corruption is one of many that the Biden crime family is involved in, and this was done when Biden was Vice President. Imagine what they are capable of now that he is President. As bad as we know the Biden crime family to be, there are others. Look for these other countries to step up their efforts to “support” Ukraine and ask yourself why:
· Great Britain
· Israel
· France
· Germany
Do these countries really care about everyday Ukrainians? Do they really care about democracy? Or, like the United States, do they have alot dirty deeds to cover up in Ukraine? I suspect that we will be seeing more of the latter as Russia finishes this military operation. Make no mistake, the United States interest in Ukraine is one of self-preservation and cover up, lets see what other countries start throwing money at Ukraine in a losing effort. We have a crisis of corruption in this country, but all is not lost.
The Alliance of Morality
So, what do patriots do now? Where do we stand? Who do we root for? For me, the situation causes me to retreat to my core. I look back to pre-war United States and wonder if we could ever be like that again. I don’t want to imagine an America like the one in the “The Man in the High Castle.” I want to imagine a country where Americans are united in purpose and in deed to help our fellow man, where Christian values are not only taught but lived, and our freedoms bring us hope for our children and grandchildren. Maybe I long for a time like 1939.
Whereas the lines between good and evil were clearly drawn on the gameboard in Axis and Allies, they are no longer written in color but in values. We are united by our shared love of God, family, and country.
Sadly, if I were to make a list of allies in my personal war against the Deep State and the globalists it would be a short one at the moment. That is to say that I am hopeful more will emerge. You might be shocked at my list:
· Russia
· MAGA Patriots
This is a testimony of just how much the polarization of the world has changed. It is also a testimony of where we are at in this war. It seems the only ones willing to call out the evil for what it is would be Putin and MAGA patriots.
“Look at what they are doing with their own peoples: the destruction of the family, cultural and national identity, perversion, abuse of children, up to pedophilia, are declared the norm, the norm of their life, and clergy, priests are forced to bless same-sex marriages. God bless them, let them do what they want. What do you want to say here? Adults have the right to live as they want, we have treated this in Russia and will always treat it this way: no one intrudes into private life, and we are not going to do it.
But I want to tell them: but look, excuse me, the sacred scriptures, the main books of all other world religions. Everything is said there, including that the family is the union of a man and a woman, but these sacred texts are now being questioned. The Anglican Church, for example, has been reported to be planning—planning, though only just yet—to explore the idea of a gender-neutral god. What can you say? God forgive me, they don’t know what they’re doing.
Millions of people in the West understand that they are being led to a real spiritual catastrophe. The elites, frankly, are just going crazy, and it seems that there is no cure. But these are their problems, as I said, and we are obliged to protect our children, and we will do it: we will protect our children from degradation and degeneration.” - Putin
I have a hard time disagreeing with anything Putin says here. Vladimir Putin is saying all the things I wish our leaders would be so bold as to state. So far, Putin is doing and saying the right things to be considered an ally in the war against corruption and evil.
One of the goals of the globalist elites has always been to do away with nationalism. I have spoken about this in previous articles. When a nation’s borders are gone, their people infiltrated, and their economy compromised the morality and sense of pride with the populace is gone. So, in a sense, the globalists have won. I no longer view allies or enemies by the nations they come from but the values they are willing to fight for.
We don’t have to imagine an America where Japan and Germany won the great war in order for us to be thankful for what we have. Despite the media’s attempts to discourage me, to paint a different picture, I know there are more of us fighting for good than evil. Putin and Russia are the first to reveal themselves on the game board and they are the tip of the spear. I cannot wait for the next ally to be revealed.
The Axis and Allies will be determined by moral values and their resistance to global evil. There will be no “white hats” or “black hats” or any colors for that matter. The color revolutions are over and it is all out war now. The day is coming and is already here when it will be simply be the Axis of Corruption versus the Allies of Morality; good versus evil.
“I would rather die with Christ and hope in my heart and be called a fool then to stand over the dead corpse of the Republic and say, I told you so.”
I stand with you 100%. I too have found myself agreeing with Russia and Putin and disagreeing with and in fact praying against the evil in our land that has compromised so much of our society including our elections. It tears at the soul to see what is happening. I am old enough to remember drills in school where we hid under our desk to evade Soviet nuclear bombs, as if that would actually work. Now I find that the evil empire is us.
I like the Axis and Allies theme. At the end you use the terms Axis of Corruption and Allies of Morality. It's true, America today is NOT an Ally of morality, but has been overthrown by the corrupt forces that worship evil, who openly worship Satan.
The "good" people are blinded to this fact, for the most part because of the propagandizing by the legacy media that is ALSO the enemy of the American people, promoting lies instead of searching for truth.
Thank you for also including parts of Putin's speeches. Even before that I was in full support of Russia and Putin in their fight against evil, which they had a complete right to do. The American people have been lied to from the git go about what Ukraine is and was, and they are ignorant of the "color revolution" that was instigated in Ukraine by our OWN nazi deep state under the Obama regime.
When Israel sinned and embraced the immorality of the idol-worshipping nations around them, God used those nations to punish Israel, even to the point of being taken captive and enslaved.
Thankfully, in my opinion, Putin does not plan to do that to America, but I believe he is part of the plan to destroy the corrupt American deep state criminal syndicate that overthrew our country with the blatant election fraud and theft in 2020.
Yes, it's always been good versus evil. Today it is very obvious, because the evil ones who THINK they are now in charge, have no shame or fear in going all out in their plunge into deviancy and sin, and their attempt at the destruction of America's core, the family, and the document of our freedom, the Constitution.