It would appear the battlefield of our information war has changed dramatically since my last article. If you felt the rumbling underground or a seismic shift under your feet, it is most likely some measure of balance being restored to social media. Of course, I am talking about Elon Musk purchasing Twitter. If we thought the enemy was desperate before it is likely nothing compared to what they are now. Apoplectic is a word that might describe it best.
As we discussed in part one of this series, we have a desperate enemy employing new guerilla tactics to the information war. Judging by the reactions of some of you that read my article, I want to make something very clear before we move on. There were two tactics I mentioned being used:
1. Poisoning the well – tainting the flow of good information with equally bad misinformation to render the source untrustworthy. This is not entirely new.
2. Explosive Misinformation – this new tactic involves attaching an explosive piece of misinformation to a relatively innocent person or group in hopes that they carry this bomb into the company of other patriots.
Do you see the difference? The explosive misinformation tactic will maximize the damage because we are attaching it to ourselves; we are strapping the bomb vest on and taking into our social media sites. I like to refer to this tactic as an Explosive Information Device (EID). In much the same way we might talk about IED’s (Improvised Explosive Devices) wreaking havoc on our troops in Afghanistan, Explosive Information Devices (EID) lie waiting for us to stumble across them and carry them to the desired target. They are the click-bait type articles or stories that get our attention and appeal to our political wants or fantasies strapped to a small nugget of truth.
The leftist and the deep state have lost a major tool in the information battle this week. Surprisingly, there are some who are reading this now and are trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with ideas that Elon Musk is a black hat or has some nefarious motive for his recent actions. Seriously? All you need to do is look at the reactions of the left. It is actually quite amusing and glorious. Here is one of my favorites from and employee of Twitter:
“The news today is so crazy I literally forgot I had COVID.”
There are so many things to say about that statement, but I have to stay on track. We have a desperate (and apparently very stupid) enemy that is counting on us to carry EID’s for them. We cannot let this happen. We are absolutely smarter than that. The good news is, we have the tools to help us combat these tactics in the information war. It is only fitting that the bulk of the content I am about to share comes from documentation about explosive ordinance disposal. Many thanks to @SpartanAltSoba Patriot for this material.
The following information and citations are going to come directly from a training document that was provided to me. This document is used to teach EXPLOSIVE TERRORISM LEVELS OF AWARENESS to first responders and operators in the battlefield. As I read this course document, I could not help but start applying some of the same principles described within to the battle we are currently engaged in with EIDs. For example:
Anti-Terror programs all share one fundamental — information. An effective Anti-Terror program should be at its core, an information processing and dissemination mechanism that supports and coordinates operations in the field. In this module, participants will learn and explore how information should be analyzed, processed, and acted upon relating to Explosive Terrorist Incidents. These actions often mean the difference between life and death for first responders on scene. Participants will focus on one of the most systemic problems first responders face on scene, making effective and accurate decisions. - EXPLOSIVE TERRORISM LEVELS OF AWARENESS
Notice how processing and dissemination of information is key here? Our community of researchers and anons are some of the brightest and most thoughtful people I have ever met. However, we have a bad habit of falling for some really stupid stuff. I don’t know if it is because we want certain things to be true or we are just far too trusting. Either way, we have to a better job of processing and disseminating the information. That starts with proactive awareness.
Proactive Awareness is a systematic approach to analyzing, processing, and acting on informational data that directly affects safety and job performance throughout a broad spectrum of first responder groups. - EXPLOSIVE TERRORISM LEVELS OF AWARENESS
We are presented with an increasing amount of information on a daily basis. Some of this is our fault and some of it is by design:
Above all, it is the internet that is bringing about an excess of information. It is estimated that in 2017 the average amount of emails sent every day will be 269 billion. Around half of these emails can be classified as spam, i.e. mail that the recipient would wish rather not to have received.
Back to the training document for a great visual of what happens when we don’t have proactive awareness:
If information requirements have not been properly identified beforehand, collecting, and assimilating all incoming data can be like trying to drink from a fire hose. - EXPLOSIVE TERRORISM LEVELS OF AWARENESS
How many of us have felt like that before? I have felt this way before many times and one the strategies used is to recognize a specific area of knowledge and/or interest that you can handle working through and stick to those specific areas. If you are in a group setting this is made much easier.
Through knowledge and training, each first responder group can recognize their own specific informational requirements and submit them to the EOCs (Emergency Operations Centers). - EXPLOSIVE TERRORISM LEVELS OF AWARENESS
The work of dealing with the deluge of information can be and should be divided up among us. That is not to say we cannot dabble in those areas ourselves it just means that dividing and conquering all this information is still effective. It might be the most effective way to deal with the monumental flow.
Most of the information that we come across can be run through a process for proactive awareness that includes these three steps:
1. Gathering Information – the sources we choose.
2. Analyzing information – the subjects we focus on
3. Sharing the Information – the way we communicate our findings
Gathering Information
When we are gathering information, we must be diligent to source it from trusted outlets. Continuing to gather information from CNN, Real Raw News, or Gateway Pundit is not going to help in this conflict. As Brian Cates’ brother Duane has said:
“Guard your interests with terrible resolve”
This advice is more important now than ever. The enemy would love nothing more than for us to drag an Explosive Information Device (EID) from one of their sites and disseminate it throughout our chat rooms and social media outlets. A perfect case in point is the screen shot of some text that we attribute to Klaus Schwab about reducing the worlds population. You have probably seen it:
The passage is from page 105 of Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, a book by Dr John Coleman published 30 years ago, in 1992. Boom, you were just hit with an EID. The problem is that Klaus Schwab is bad enough in his Great Reset book, why use this passage? I think it is because it appeals to what we want to believe about Schwab, and someone was hoping we would pick it up and run with it. We did a poor job of analyzing the information.
Analyzing Information
Analyzing the information that is presented to you is like defusing a bomb. We all have specific knowledge, skills, and experience that can benefit this entire operation. Using those certain set of skills towards a potential EID could easily defuse a potential disaster. This is reflected in the text below:
Deciding who will analyze the information - How specific evidence is collected, categorized, and reported should follow each first responder groups training and performance priorities within an area of responsibility. - EXPLOSIVE TERRORISM LEVELS OF AWARENESS
I am reminded of the video montage recently released by An Old Gals Observations called What Role. The short video highlights how we can all have a role in the information war. I would posit we can all play a role in analyzing information with greater awareness.
Sharing Information
It is important that IF we have not employed the first two safeguards listed here already (gathering and analyzing) then the sharing of information becomes potentially dangerous. Do you want to be the one who straps on a bomb vest and walks into a crowd of your friends? I think not. However, many of us still cling to potentially dangerous and explosive ideas and information.
Is there a chance that I have material that is potentially explosive that I have not shared? Absolutely, and I don’t share it for a reason. I go back to the Watch the Water video. We are weeks removed from its release and STILL people are clinging to the notion that there is truth in there. Yes, there is a smidge of truth. However, that smidge is cloaked in volatile and explosive ridiculousness.
At the risk of overusing a familiar word to all of us, using discernment on what the share and what not to share is paramount.
The roads we travel in this war are lined with EID’s, the open fields of social media are filled with landmines, and anyone around us could be carrying information meant to destroy us. My focus here is not instill fear but to establish a proactive awareness to the information we are presented with. There is no substitute for a trained and fixed eye towards possible threats to our community, proactive awareness if you will, after all…the world is watching us.
“I would rather die with Christ and hope in my heart and be called a fool then to stand over the dead corpse of the republic and say, I told you so.”
Could you please furnish a link to the video or direction to same? Thanks!
Love that Biernutz! Great warning to us all to treat information we share very carefully and discern truth. I love the parallels you draw in this information war. Makes perfect sense and you’ve nailed down exactly what I’ve seen the enemy doing on social media to divide and destroy us.
Great job once again!