The summer of 2020 will be remembered in history as the “Summer of Love.” Like we learned in my previous article It had to be done this way things are rarely what they appear especially when leftist try and name one of their sinister machinations. You remember, ANTIFA is anything but anti-fascist, the Center for American Progress is anything but that, and Planned Parenthood wants nothing to do with you planning for parenthood.
So, it comes as no surprise that the “Summer of Love 2020” will be looked on as a dark cloud over America for quite some time. I know it was for me. Images of burning cities, a retired policeman David Dorn shot and left for dead in St. Louis, and numerous clashes between rioters and law enforcement. On top of all of this, it was a summer of lockdowns, vaccination requirements, plexiglass, facemasks, and social distancing. It was conniption fit of the left because they knew they were going to lose the election in the fall of 2020. The pandemic was essentially a “Dempanic”, and nothing was too extreme for them to regain power; not riots, not a pandemic, and certainly not colluding with foreign enemies to overthrow our government.
That’s right, colluding with foreign governments to overthrow or unseat a duly elected President. Let’s look back to the summer of 2020 and I will explain what I mean.
While we were fixated on all the mandates and new ways that Covid-19 was going to spread to everyone and kill us all, ANTIFA was building their ranks creating chaos and heartache all over the country. I don’t need to revisit the horror that most of you are already familiar with. What I do want to bring to your attention is this: ANTIFA was referred to as a terrorist organization because IT WAS!
If you recall in my previous article that ANTIFA is the new globalists fascist regime. It is that and quite a bit more. It is why Trump, and his team took them so seriously. Take a look at this comparison from Eric Hoffer in The True Believer:
“ISIS and Antifa much alike. “Mass movements are interchangeable”
It is perhaps a little known fact that many ANTIFA members have met directly and trained with known terrorists groups Like Al=Queda and ISIS. That is a big deal! It is one thing for a radicalized American to go overseas and fight on behalf of Al-Queda in Iraq. That is just treasonous, and you can be put to death if captured. However, to train with terrorist organizations and return to the United States to commit acts of terror here is a type of treason rarely seen. The collusion between ANTIFA and terrorist groups is known:
Collusion between Islamic extremists like Al Qaeda and so-called anti-fascist groups in the “resistance” against the Trump administration should come as no surprise. Anti-fascist groups in Germany have long used their misleading title as an excuse to use fascist tactics against supporters of capitalism. This is the perfect example of collusion with ‘the enemy of my enemy.’ Antifa and Al Qaeda won’t find much common ground on issues of religion, but they both share a deep-seated hatred of Western Civilization.
We previously reviewed the tactics of ANTIFA but check out the goals they share with ISIS:
Antifa and ISIS Share Marketing Goals
1. Position and propagandize the ideology. “No justice-no peace” is real in riot-torn neighborhoods.
2. Amplify reach and project strength. Just a few blocks may be affected, but all of Portland is synonymous with rioting.
3. Unnerve and dishearten enemies. Mayor Ted Wheeler cowered, then fled from Portland mobs.
4. Create confusion and insecurity. Burned out blocks, sparse police protection and upcoming election fraud create uncertainty.
5. Boost morale of supporters and sympathizers. The riots energize and attract supporters like the Oregon Health and Science University and Kamala Harris.
6. Influence and intimidate decision-makers. Defunding police and “cancelling” opposition voices are prominent examples.
7. Recruit believers. Action is persuasion. You do first, then believe.
Is it any wonder why Trump referred to ANTIFA as a terrorist organization? I wonder why they were never officially named a terrorist organization. I think I know why but will save that for later.
Let’s review what Trump actually had to say about ANTIFA back on June 1st of 2020:
But in recent days, our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists, violent mobs, arsonists, looters, criminals, rioters, Antifa and others.
I want the organizers of this terror to be on notice that you will face severe criminal penalties and lengthy sentences in jail.
This includes Antifa and others who are leading instigators of this violence.
President Trump took the George Floyd riots and the Summer of Love 2020 very seriously. He took them way more seriously than I ever did at the time. However, as I research more, I realize that ANTIFA and the riots represented a threat much larger than I ever imagined. It is why I believe we can pretty much throw out all the legal and constitutional wranglings of the Insurrection Act, Posse Comitatus, and Martial Law. It is not because Trump would not follow the constitution or the law. He has proven he will do so meticulously. It is because it is very likely none of those previously mentioned would apply. I believe Trump and his team saw this as acts of war. If not acts of war, then foreign infiltration.
What I was not aware of at the time of these riots in 2020 was just exactly how China viewed them. You see, I knew China was dealing with their own riots in Hong Kong. Specifically, Hong Kong’s fight for independence and the Chinese Communist Parties (CCP) treatment of the Uyghurs. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had this to say:
“The CCP’s propaganda efforts — seeking to conflate the United States’ actions in the wake of the death of George Floyd with the CCP’s continued denial of basic human rights and freedom — should be seen for the fraud that they are,”
Speaking directly to leaders ANTIFA, Chen Weihua, the European bureau chief for China’s state-run outlet China Daily, made the proposal on Twitter:
While Antifa rioters take to the streets of Seattle and other cities, Chen’s proposal for their leaders to meet with Chinese delegates is a response to the US government’s support for pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.
China blamed their riots in Hong Kong on Trump and the United States. By offering to meet with leaders of ANTIFA, China was literally trying to create an alliance with ANTIFA to overthrow Trump and the United States. Here is more from the Epoch Times:
So, China threatens Donald Trump with retribution for the perceived involvement of the United States in the Hong Kong riots. In the context of what is going on, how do you think President Was supposed to respond? I mean, cities are burning, a virus largely believed to have originated in China is unleashed on the US, and the capitol grounds are nearly breached.
In addition to Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliff’s report, a report from the Interior Departments Inspector General was to be presented on June 1st 2020 to President Trump.
The inspector general report said 49 Park Police officers were injured while policing the Lafayette Square protests, which while mostly peaceful during the day turned violent at night. Park Police “did not know about the President’s potential movement until mid- to late afternoon on June 1—hours after it had begun developing its operational plan and the fencing contractor had arrived in the park,” according to the report.
“These are not acts of peaceful protests. These are acts of domestic terror,” Mr. Trump said earlier that day from the White House.
According to the Wall Street Journal article, Trump and his team were already taking precautions and plans to erect fencing around the capitol. This was most likely based on the threats mentioned earlier. DNI Ratcliff’s report was to determine if China had financed and added logistical support for the riots. All the signs point to China infiltrating and/or attacking the United States. All Trump would need is some evidence that the Chinese were among the rioters:
One video posted online by Epoch Times shows cellphone footage of rioters near the White House and a man nearby is heard saying in Mandarin Chinese, “Go, go, hurry up, leave quickly!”
I am not going to try and make another guess as to what Trump decided to do on June 1st, 2020. I tried that already and was quickly shot down by Liz Harrington. Besides, the point here is that a war with ANTIFA was waged, and it was proxy war with China and other terrorist regimes
It was speculated in my previous article on ANTIFA that perhaps ANTIFA was infiltrated or used by Trump to enact some greater purpose. I don’t believe that to be the case anymore. It is clear the threat was always there, the signs and the collusion was always there, we were just never made aware. The media in the US is bought and paid for by China. Our mainstream media is state run Chinese media…period. They were never going to reveal what ANTIFA truly was and is.
January 6th, 2021 was another example of the ongoing war with ANTIFA. Consider the following examples:
At least two known Antifa members were spotted among the throngs of pro-Trump protesters at the Capitol on Wednesday, a law enforcement source told The Post.
The Antifa members disguised themselves with pro-Trump clothing to join in the DC rioting, said the sources, who spotted the infiltrators while monitoring video coverage from the Capitol.
The infiltrators were recognized due to their participation in New York City demonstrations, and were believed to have joined in the rioting so that Trump would get blamed, the source said.
And this:
Meanwhile, visual evidence and eyewitness accounts linked Antifa members to the destruction at the Capitol.
Posts from Antifa groups prior to the event encouraged them to infiltrate it undercover.
“On Nov. 4 don’t forget to disguise yourselves as patriots/Trump supporters,” said a social media reminder from one Antifa chapter, according to the Village News.
“Wear MAGA hats. USA flags,” it continued. “A convincing police uniform is even better. This way police and patriots responding to US won’t know who their enemies are and onlookers and the media will think there are Trump supporters rioting so it’s harder to turn popular opinion against us.”
So, what now? Perhaps the most devastating days to the deep state have passed. It has almost been a month since Roe v Wade was overturned and major 2nd amendment ruling fell in our favor? Where was ANTIFA? If ever there was to be a “Summer of Love 2.0” it would be now. The prospect of a Red Wave are even larger now than in 2020. Yet ANTIFA is mostly non-existent. I think it is because ANTIFA has largely been wiped out.
Since we have had no further communications with Q since the third week of June, is it safe to say what was needed to be done was actually done? If war was declared on ANTIFA and the SCOTUS decision was a means to determine if it was successful, would the media ever let us know? I think we know the answer to that.
Defense Secretary Mark Esper told governors facing violence in the protests to "dominate the battlespace."
"Cities of the United States are not a battlefield. When you use terms like 'dominate the battlespace,' this is the image they may conjure up," said Mulroy, now an ABC News contributor.
Things are never what the appear to be, especially when the leftist media is involved. A war was waged against ANTIFA and because it was not a typical kinetic war the media was able to effectively reclassify it or rename it. The Summer of Love 2020 had nothing to do with love, ANTIFA is anything but anti-fascist, and our cities were a battlespace in a war which ANTIFA lost. What’s done is done. It had to be done this way.
“I would rather die with Christ and hope in my heart and be called a fool than to stand over the dead corpse of the republic and say I told you so.”
I hope you're correct that antifa have been dismantled, it is certainly possible given that so much of what is being presented publicly now seems pure theatre, designed to gradually awaken the masses. However I'm not persuaded that US (or global) media are China owned. I'm not doubting the Chinese money in the global media, but it looks more to me like the Chinese element of the controlling pedovor psychopath globalist clique. Those creatures are not driven or defined by national boundaries, merely their broken power-grasping mutual depravity.
I think you’re exactly right Biernutz. It’s been a war since Trump won in 2016 and he’s treated it that way. Great article my friend