The Kingpin and The Globalist Cabal
Part 1
If you have stayed with me on this journey through Trump’s Cinematic Universe (TCU) this far, I wonder if you will stick with me for a little longer. Two very important global players have already been characterized in Trump’s Winter Soldier and God of Mischief. If you have not read those articles yet, I encourage you to do so. In those previous articles we have alluded to the Globalist Cabal and the overall Supervillain story arc but have not really defined them. In this two-part series I will try and paint a very high-level characterization of these Supervillains in the form of Kingpin and Thanos.
Before we get started, I do want to address a couple of “housekeeping” items. First off, this is a high-level brief synopsis designed to give the reader a simple and concise “jumping off point” if you will, a visual representation of very complex world leaders and entities. This is not meant to be an empirical lexicon of world leaders detailing every nuance and activity on the world stage (there is simply too much going on to chronicle them all). Secondly, we need to define two terms:
1. Globalism – a national policy of treating the whole world as a proper sphere for political influence.
2. Democracy – a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting.
These two definitions come from the Merriam Webster Dictionary. We have heard the term globalism before, and we have heard the Globalist Cabal used to describe some nebulous evil force that wants to rid the planet of half the population and subjugate the rest. Well, that is not a bad start in defining their intent. The Washington Times contributor L.Todd Wood puts it this way:
“…the globalist medicine looks to strip a country of its natural resources for the use of international corporate interests and to open borders to millions of illegal immigrants, destroying a nation’s sovereignty, culture and security forever.”
I cannot think of a better description of the Globalists’ attempt than this. I might only add that destroying sovereignty, culture and security amounts to removing their national identity. I say that because if you recall in my previous articles that Putin AND Trump place high value on Nationalism/National Identity.
As far as democracy is concerned, I chose to define this because it becomes extremely important to remember that we (The United States of America) are NOT really a democracy. The word democracy is used often to appeal to our habit of binary thinking: democracy = good, communism = bad. We are actually a Constitutional Representative Republic; a Federation of Nation States each with their own Constitution, 3 branches of government, and military force (National Guard) capable of governing themselves independently of the Federal Government. In contrast to our form of government, democracy looks more like mob rule.
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) there is a character known as the Kingpin. The character’s real name is Wilson Fisk and he has no real super powers other than his enormous size, strength, and cunning. I chose to highlight this character not so much for his abilities but for his relationships, his influence, and the way in which he exerts that influence. A kingpin by definition is the chief person in a group or undertaking. In the MCU Kingpin is the source of all wealth and power in Hell’s Kitchen. While Kingpin’s power is absolute and without question in Hell’s Kitchen it is not far reaching and universal as Thanos. Still, Kingpin is a powerful and formidable villain that has many connections and wields enormous power in a focused direction.
Much of the current MCU story about Kingpin comes from the latest Marvel Disney + series Hawkeye. In this series we get a somewhat favorable (possibly tragic) story of a bullied child who is essentially forced into brutal violence by his father…i.e., a reluctant villain. There is no questioning the illegal and illicit crimes that Kingpin is master over, but rarely does he take part in it personally. He is the consummate crime boss in that he uses money, power, and fear to drive his enemies into submission. One of the few times he actually does take matters into his own hands he literally decapitates a Russian mob boss using a car door.
Still, there is an attempt to leverage a certain amount of humanity to this character as shown by this quote:
“Time and distance, they afford a certain clarity. I realized that this city was a part of me, that it was in my blood. And I would do anything to make it a better place.” Wilson Fisk (Vincent D’ONofrio)
What a great line! One of my favorites (because Iron Maiden made a song about it) is, “The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.” – William Shakespeare. I don’t buy the attempt to humanize Kingpin. Now it is true that in the aftermath of the Battle for New York that Kingpin created an organization (Union Allied Construction) to rebuild Hell’s Kitchen, but this was purely a façade with the intent to launder money. I am sure He believed his own quote about doing anything to make a better place but then end never justifies the means. He is a villain and a crime boss of the highest order and thus I draw the comparison to George Soros.
Depending on where you look to research George Soros will largely determine what type of light is cast upon him. Typical mainstream media (MSM) outlets and left leaning publications are blatant apologists for Soros and his ilk. Everything related to George Soros and his nefarious subterfuge of political meddling in countries is glossed over as conspiracy theories. With this in mind, there are a few facts that everyone can sort of agree on.
George Soros comes from a Hungarian non practicing Jewish family (hmmm where have we heard this before?) that escaped Nazi persecution by changing their original name (Schwartz) to Soros. As of March 2021 he is estimated to be worth $8.6B with over $32B being spent on non-government organizations (NGO). He has written a book, “George Soros on Globalization” wherein
George Soros, a major proponent of globalization, takes to task the many institutions that have failed to keep pace with our global economy. At the same time, he offers a compelling new paradigm to bring the institutions and the economy back into necessary alignment. (paperback overview)
Almost sounds like a guy that would do anything to make the world a better place. I am sure George feels justified in his attempt to fix the world around him, but make no mistake, there is nothing moral or virtuous in his methods. Much like Kingpin’s Union Allied Construction company, Soros uses his Open Society foundations to fundamentally tear down and rebuild societies all over the planet. There are scads of NGOs that Soros has created and/or pumped money into to effect social upheaval and political instability all for the common good (in his eyes).
If Ukraine is Soros’ Hell’s Kitchen, then let’s take a look at his involvement in Ukraine.
The International Renaissance Foundation, a part of the Open Society Foundations, was established in Kyiv in April 1990. At the time, Ukraine was still part of the rapidly collapsing Soviet Union, placing the new foundation at the forefront of the effort by George Soros, the founder and chair of the Open Society Foundations, to use his fortune to assist the former Communist states of Central and Eastern Europe.
Don’t you just love how they title these organizations with such peaceful and amiable names? Here is another one for you sleuths out there…Anti-Corruption Action Centre. Another Soros funded group in Ukraine whose stated purpose is anything but that. Please follow the link below and happy hunting (it’s a convoluted dig for sure):
An article in the The New American by William F. jasper had this to say about Soros’ involvement in the Ukraine:
“Billionaire investor/activist George Soros has a giant footprint in Ukraine. Similar to his operations in dozens of other nations, he has, over the past couple of decades poured tens of millions of dollars into Ukraine non-governmental organizations (NGOs), ostensibly to assist them in transforming their country into a more “open” and “democratic” society.”
Sounds good, right? There is that word “democratic” so it must be good. The truth is that many of Soros’ NGO’s in Ukraine are designed to do one thing: replace the Ukraine’s national identity with that of the European Union. We can call it what ever we want, but if you are destroying a nation through open borders, outside influence, currency manipulation, and political instability…you are a globalist.
George Soros is all about management by “experts,” i.e., central planning, the hallmark of every socialist, fascist, or communist regime. In fact, he is one of the planet’s premier advocates of global central planning and control. Hence, he is a longtime fervent supporter of the United Nations, the IMF/World Bank, the WTO, global population control through the WHO and UNFPA, and virtually every other internationalist endeavor to subvert national sovereignty and advance the building of an omnipotent world government.
His fetish with internationalism includes, especially, further enlarging and empowering the EU, which has been the prime subject of concern in books and essays by Soros, as well as many of his speeches and media interviews. Soros is a full-blown proponent of total political and economic “integration” of the EU, meaning a complete annihilation of any residual independence of the EU member states and the transfer of all substantive legislative, executive, and judicial powers to EU politicians and administrators in Brussels. – William F Jasper
That article was written in 2014. Can you see his footprint even now? Today Ukraine is a giant sandbox of corruption with many international turds in it. Since 1991, the likes of the Obamas, Bidens, Clintons, CIA, the UK, MI6, George Soros, and many other nefarious players have used Ukraine (and its many resources including natural gas and pipelines) as a money laundering, human trafficking, and corruption playground. The chief among these is George Soros and his principal connection in Obama. If you followed the link above then you know Obama didn’t want Ukraine to investigate Soros and his NGO’s. This next link explains why:
If you skim through this article and do nothing else but read that article then I will feel I have done my job! Of note in this article:
“The biggest private financier of “democracy” movement subversion, is the London-Wall Street billionaire George Soros.” -p.17
The “Maiden” or the revolution of 2014 in Ukraine was largely brought about by a collective Obama CIA and George Soros coordinated effort. The Maiden was led by Andriy Parubiy. As of 2017 he was the Chairman of the Ukraine Parliament and founder of the neo-nazi Ukrainian Patriot youth group (1999). Part of that Maiden revolution was group called the “Indivisible.”
“Indivisible released a 25-page ‘Practical Guide’ on how to conduct mass protests, i.e. applied political defiance. While the Indivisibles deny receiving Soros money directly, some of its founders have been directly on the Soros payroll.” -pp 17 &18
Soros and Obama brought about Neo-Nazi fascist revolution in Ukraine. Do you think Putin should allow that to happen, again (think WW2)? Soros is the Kingpin of a vast network of NGOs that he uses to wield power, money, and influence all over the globe. You could argue that he figuratively decapitated the head of a Ukrainian mob much the same way Kingpin decapitated a Russian mob boss in the MCU. His relationships do not require him to take over the Ukrainian mob or personally confront Putin…he uses his network and money to fight his battles.
I posit you this theory: the battle being played out in Ukraine today is the clean-up of 2014 but under Biden’s failed regime. That is to say, Putin is forcing the purging of Soros’ and Obamas corrupting influence that was not completed under Trump’s Presidency. President Trump has the unique distinction of being the only sitting president to not engage the US in a new military conflict. Conversely, the Obama administration engaged in many conflicts we seemingly had no business being in. Consider this, is it better for “clean-up” to happen under Trump’s watch or Biden’s? Hell’s Kitchen is about to catch fire; a show down is about to take place and in some ways it already has.
I believe the timing was not right to clean up Ukraine during Trumps Presidency. The optics and logistics just were not in our favor. However, Biden is in a lose/lose situation in Ukraine, Soros is isolated, and the NATO/EU alliance is laid bare over an open battlefield. The only ally left for the Kingpin is Thanos.
“I would rather die with Christ and Hope in heart and be called a fool than to stand over the dead corpse of the Republic and say I told you so.”
Thank You Biernutz👏👏
Wow, well done! I feel so better informed. This makes sense now where, it otherwise makes no sense to go into Ukraine.