So here we are. We have arrived at the second installment of the The Kingpin and the Globalist Cabal. It is my sincere hope that you have enjoyed reading through this journey into Trump’s Cinematic Universe as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I must admit that I approach this article with a little more trepidation than the previous ones.
Unlike Brandon Lee in The Crow or Heath Ledger’s role as Joker where the character drives the actor mad, I hope this quick dive into the dark netherworld of the Globalist cabal will spare us any lasting damage. So, let’s just dive right in shall we?
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) we know there are many movies that focus on certain superheroes who do battle with villains who may or may not be unique to their film. In other words, some characters and villains appear in other movies. One such supervillain is Thanos. In fact, Thanos’ story arc is teased about and built up in other movies until we get to Avengers. It is here that we get to witness the entire plan unfold.
Thanos is part of a race of superhumans known as Titanian Eternals. Specifically, he is an Eternal-Deviant from the planet Titan. He is widely regarded as the most powerful supervillain in the MCU. For the purposes of our analogy, it is less important what Thanos can do and more important what he wants to do and how he goes about doing it. In the Avenger series the overarching plot line is Thanos’ journey to collect all 6 Infinity stones to create a powerful gauntlet capable of destroying half of all life in the universe.
The list of powers that Thanos possesses is long but is not quite enough to carry out his grand scheme. He needs to harness the power of the 6 Infinity stones. Each stone is like the ultimate power in the universe over their specific areas: Power, Time, Space, Reality, Mind, and Soul. A person who possesses even one of these stones is a master of that specific stone’s power. However, when combined into a gauntlet Thanos is able to destroy half of all life in the Universe with the snap of his fingers (The Snap).
As is the case with some of our other villains there is an attempt to explain why Thanos would want to kill off half of the universe. In typical Disney fashion, their globalist intentions are laid bare for all to see. Thanos believes he is doing this for the good of mankind. Resources cannot sustain the population growth and so he must step in and ensure that those who remain are happy, healthy, and want for nothing…gee, how very sanctimonious of him. With this in mind I present to you Klaus Schwab.

Born in Ravensburg Germany in 1938, Klaus Martin Schwab and his family repatriated to Switzerland until the war was over. The family moved back to Germany and Klaus resumed his primary school studies in Ravensburg.
In 1961, he graduated as a mechanical engineer from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich,[4] which awarded him a doctorate in engineering entitled: Der längerfristige Exportkredit als betriebswirtschaftliches Problem des Maschinenbaues (Longer-term export credit as a business problem in mechanical engineering),[5]. He was also awarded a doctorate in economics from the University of Fribourg,[4][6] and a Master of Public Administration degree from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. --Wikipedia
Today Klause Schwab holds a double doctorate in Economics and Engineering and is known mostly for his creation of the World Economic Forum (WEF). During his career, Schwab served on a number of company boards like Swatch, Daily Mail, and Vontobel Holdings. He is also a former member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group. The Bilderberg is a secretive collection of world leaders with the stated purpose of promoting Western Capitalism. However, it is obvious that they have strayed far from that purpose.
In 2001, Denis Healey, a Bilderberg group founder and a steering committee member for 30 years, said, "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So, we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing.” --Wikipedia
Now to be fair, there is no evidence that Klaus Schwab ever stated that he wants to reduce the population by one half like Thanos. And like Thanos (and Denis Healey) I suspect Klaus really believes a globalist one world order is best for everyone. However, I think we can look at Schwab’s associations, what he has built, and the people he has influenced to illustrate a fairly accurate portrait of a globalist cabal mastermind who is interested in making the whole world better for just a few.
“Many consider Schwab the mastermind behind the current movement towards cryptocurrency, universal identification, and a one-world (fascist) government to be run jointly, in totalitarian fashion, with China.” – Europe Renaissance
And why wouldn’t they? Nearly all of Schwab’s contacts and efforts have one thing in common…Globalism. From his studies at Harvard, serving on the board of Bilderberg, to the WEF and the subsequent creation of the “Young Global Leaders” it all revolves around Globalism. Remember in our previous articles that Globalism and Globalization are not the same thing.
· Globalism - a national policy of treating the whole world as a proper sphere for political influence
· Globalization - the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information
Furthermore, Globalism seeks to remove borders, governments, cultures, history, and any other sense of national pride in favor of one central plutocracy. It is the exact opposite of everything Trump has fought to restore, and Putin seeks to preserve. Communist China will share a bed with globalists because the economic model of globalization comes with it…and they desperately need open and fair trade globally to survive.
It is no coincidence that Klaus has Harvard in his pedigree (this link is a great substack article on Harvard university and the CCP).
“Harvard University is unapologetically and militantly radical left” according to Renee Nol of the Rair Foundation USA.A foundation of Marxist ideals appears to be prerequisite for the globalists and globalization seems to be the preferred economic mechanism by which they achieve their goal. As it is today, both the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the globalist cabal are bedfellows in their support of globalization…until they are not.
With the foundation of a leftist Harvard education, connections in Bilderberg, and globalist ideals Schwab still needed to build a coalition. As powerful as Thanos was, he too needed an army and lieutenants to seek out his Infinity stones. This is where the World Economic Forum (WEF) comes into play for Klaus Schwab. The WEF meets in Davos Switzerland every year and is a Who’s Who of world bankers, rich elite, and globalist power brokers. The gathering involves a few hundred seminars and workshops designed to spark innovation and ideas for solving the world’s economic and social problems. I will give you three guesses what solutions they arrive at, and the first two don’t count…Globalism. Take a look at the list of board members on the WEF:
The WEF is chaired by founder and executive chairman Professor Klaus Schwab and is guided by a board of trustees that is made up of leaders from business, politics, academia and civil society. Members of the board of trustees (past or present) include: Mukesh Ambani, Marc Benioff, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Mark Carney, Laurence D. Fink, Chrystia Freeland, Orit Gadiesh, Fabiola Gianotti, Al Gore, Herman Gref, José Ángel Gurría, André Hoffmann, Christine Lagarde, Ursula von der Leyen, Jack Ma, Yo-Yo Ma, Peter Maurer, Luis Alberto Moreno, Muriel Pénicaud, H.M. Queen Rania Al Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, L. Rafael Reif, David M. Rubenstein, Mark Schneider, Klaus Schwab, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Jim Hagemann Snabe, Feike Sijbesma, Heizo Takenaka, Zhu Min
You probably recognize some of these names. Let me fill you in a couple lesser known ones:
· Lawrence D. Fink – Blackrock
· YoYo Ma – Chinese American cellist born in Paris (globalist/Chinese spy?)
· David M. Rubenstein – Carlyle Group
· Zhu Min – Bank of China
The attendees and the board members of the WEF are the elite of elite. They are best described by the following excerpt from Wikipedia:
The formation of a detached elite, which is often co-labelled through the neologism "Davos Man", refers to a global group whose members view themselves as completely "international". The term refers to people who "have little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the élite's global operations" according to political scientist Samuel P. Huntington, who is credited with inventing the neologism.
You can see that there is a formation of powerful globalists with no allegiance to anyone but themselves with Klaus Schwab at the helm. This cabal seeks to sit alone atop the heap of what is left of humanity once the Marxist aftermath of globalism is fully realized. You and I do not factor into this elite group; we are not a “Davos Man.” From the echo chamber of Davos another creation of Schwab’s was the Young Global Leaders. Take a look at the people in this group:
Microsoft founder Bill Gates (1993)
California Governor Gavin Newsom (selected in 2005)
Pete Buttigieg (selected in 2019, candidate for US President in 2020, US Secretary of Transportation since 2021)
Stéphane Bancel (Moderna CEO; selected in 2009)
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg (2009)
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg (2007)
Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page (2002/2005)
Covid Twitter personality Eric Feigl-Ding (a ‘WEF Global Shaper‘ since 2013)
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (since 2017, selected in 2014)
Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt (selected in 2003; former WEF strategy director)
Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland (selected in 2001; former managing director of Reuters)
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a WEF participant but is not a confirmed Young Global Leader
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (selected in 1993, 12 years before becoming Chancellor)
Current German Health Minister Jens Spahn and former Health Ministers Philipp Roesler and Daniel Bahr
EU Commission Presidents Jose Manuel Barroso (2004-2014, selected in 1993) and Jean-Claude Juncker (2014-2019, selected in 1995)
French President Emmanuel Macron (since 2017, selected in 2016),
Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy (2007-2012, selected in 1993),
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz
Former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi (2014-2016, selected in 2012),
Former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar (1996-2004, selected in 1993)
Dr. Ravid Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation
Any names jump out you? Do you see a relationship between the names on this list and those that are pushing vaccines, lockdowns, and abject tyranny? There is no coincidence! This is all by design. These are ALL names of people that Klaus Schwab and his board at the WEF picked. From Klaus Schwab’s own book COVID-19: The Great Reset we see exactly the opportunity that the Covid pandemic presented to the globalists:
“One of the great lessons of the past five centuries in Europe and America is this: acute crises contribute to boosting the power of the state. It’s always been the case and there is no reason why it should be different with the COVID-19 pandemic. Historians point to the fact that the rising fiscal resources of capitalist countries from the 18th century onwards were always closely associated with the need to fight wars, particularly those that took place in distant countries and that required maritime capacities. Such was the case with the Seven Years’ War of 1756-1763, described as the first truly global war that involved all the great powers of Europe at the time. Since then, the responses to major crises have always further consolidated the power of the state, starting with taxation: “an inherent and essential attribute of sovereignty belonging as a matter of right to every independent government”.[66] A few examples illustrating the point strongly suggest that this time, as in the past, taxation will increase. As in the past, the social rationale and political justification underlying the increases will be based upon the narrative of “countries at war” (only this time against an invisible enemy).”
The last two years of our lives with COVID-19 was the culmination of almost 50 years of collaboration among the world’s elite bankers, political leaders, and power brokers. They saw their opportunity to implement their most wicked desires. However, this does not come about without some top lieutenants who are “gathering the infinity power stones” for their leader. George Soros, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and national leaders of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand all play their part in gathering power for the elite and taking it from us.
Like I said earlier in this article, Klaus Schwab has never publicly stated anything about population control or addressed the issue, but Bill Gates has addressed overpopulation:
An article appearing on 24 May 2009 in the British Sunday Times is also interesting in this respect. It reported that some of the richest people in America had secretly gathered together to discuss the issue of global overpopulation and what they could do about it. “The philanthropists who attended the summit convened on the initiative of Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder,” the newspaper informed its readers. “Described as the Good Club by one insider it included David Rockefeller Jr., the patriarch of America’s wealthiest dynasty [current total assets unknown], Warren Buffett [37 billion dollars] and George Soros [13 billion dollars], the financiers, Michael Bloomberg the mayor of New York [16 billion dollars], and the media moguls Ted Turner [2.3 billion dollars] and Oprah Winfrey [2.3 billion dollars].”
Together with Bill Gates, these people have donated over 45 billion dollars to charity since 1996. The informal meeting took place on 5 May 2009 in New York and was evidently so secret that some billionaires told their personal employees that they were taking part in “security briefings”. According to Stacy Palmer, editor of the Chronicle of Philanthropy, there had never been such a top-class and simultaneously mysterious meeting. “We only learnt about it afterwards, by accident. Normally these people are happy to talk about good causes, but this is different—maybe because they don’t want to be seen as a global cabal.” – Facts are Facts
These people hide their true intentions and the discussion about over population. Let me ask you this, what is there to discuss? The only logical point of discussion worth hiding is what we all suspect anyway…depopulation. Oh, I am sure they justify their intentions and see this all through the lens of what is best for the world. However, at the end of the day, when the “Snap” occurs, who do you think will be left standing? Thanos certainly didn’t include himself in the Snap, did he?
The good news is, Thanos was ultimately defeated, and so will Klaus Schwab. We can see it even now as populations all over the world are rising up against COVID-19 tyranny. The groundswell of populist nationalism is the pendulum response to the decades of globalist tyranny slowly being applied to free thinking people everywhere. From truckers in Canada, to non-stop protest in Australia, to the people of the Ukraine and Afghanistan fighting for their own nation, THE PEOPLE are taking back the power stones! Globalism is on the decline and populist nationalism is spreading everywhere. Once America is great again then the world will be too.
But Klaus Schwab was right about one thing: he said, “Good government is the difference between living and dying.”
“I would rather die with Christ and hope in my heart and be called a fool than to stand over the dead corpse of the Republic and say I told you so.”
Brilliant Biernutz, once again :-) Glad to see you reveals The Good Club. Knowing these monsters you immediately know, that means The Evil Club.
Did you know Buffet was Gates mentor for years? And that he has donated billions to Gates Foundation?
Thanks for a good read
Biernutz, happy to follow you. I hang out on Just Human's podcasts, usually on Twitch. I know something isn't right, and I like how you, Kyle, Slag, Patel Patriot all put it together which real world events. I'm learning a lot. Thanks for doing this!