So much has happened since my last article that it is truly difficult to keep up with it all at this present pace. In the world of geopolitics both here in the US and all around the world, events are unfolding that, quite frankly, many of us already knew about. The exposure of the Biden Crime family, election fraud, and corruption within our Department of Justice are issues front and center to everyone now, not just those fringe right winged Q anon people. But with all that is happening, it still seems that a great many things are left yet to be discovered.
In some ways, it feels like we are deep space explorers who encountered strange and dark mysteries that our people back on earth are just now finding out about. If we indulge in that analogy for a moment then despite all that has been revealed it still feels like there is something, something important that is still out there that we cannot quite describe. There is something that is drawing my attention away from what is currently happening, and I am not exactly sure what it is.
It has been over a year now since @Andre YMKYMFOI described our present situation like a black hole. It was a fantastic description of the time back then and it is even more relevant now. We see the effects of that “black hole” via gravity. We cannot see past it; we cannot see through it and there is not much we can do to describe it. It is just a vast chasm of nothingness that greatly affects objects near it. We live in strange and dark times now for this country and yet I cannot help but be drawn to something about Donald J. Trump. There is a black hole that surrounds him that greatly affects those close to him. Few people actually know how to navigate around him and those that don’t tread lightly….well they fail miserably.
There is an anomaly associated with black holes called an event horizon. It can be defined in terms of astrophysics or in terms of cosmology. Here is the cosmology definition:
In cosmology, the event horizon of the observable universe is the largest comoving distance from which light emitted now can ever reach the observer in the future. This differs from the concept of the particle horizon, which represents the largest comoving distance from which light emitted in the past could reach the observer at a given time. For events that occur beyond that distance, light has not had enough time to reach our location, even if it was emitted at the time the universe began. – Wikipedia
What I find interesting about that definition is where it describes events that occur beyond that distance, light has not had time to reach that location. In other words, events are taking place, but the light has not yet reached us yet. You could not illustrate our current situation in the world more clearly! I am going to dive a little deeper on this event horizon and I hope I don’t lose you all (It gets kind of wordy):
One of the best-known examples of an event horizon derives from general relativity's description of a black hole, a celestial object so dense that no nearby matter or radiation can escape its gravitational field. Often, this is described as the boundary within which the black hole's escape velocity is greater than the speed of light. However, a more detailed description is that within this horizon, all lightlike paths (paths that light could take) (and hence all paths in the forward light cones of particles within the horizon) are warped so as to fall farther into the hole. Once a particle is inside the horizon, moving into the hole is as inevitable as moving forward in time – no matter in what direction the particle is travelling – and can be thought of as equivalent to doing so, depending on the spacetime coordinate system used. – Wikipedia
The point I want to make is this: with regards to event horizons, events are happening that have not been brought to light AND when that horizon pertains to a black hole the paths for that light to escape to use can be warped and never escape. So, what am I really trying to say, I am suggesting there is a truth about Donald J. Trump that we do not know yet. There are events taking place that light has not escaped yet to reveal to us and what could be revealed has become so warped it never really escapes darkness.
It would appear to be an impossible task to try and figure this out, but I have a hunch. No, my theory has nothing to do with Trump still being Commander in Chief or some secret extra-constitutional document or procedure that will lead to his triumphant early return (too late for that now anyway). What I am suggesting is that based on recent events that we can see and describe, perhaps there is a role or a methodology about Trump that can help us better understand what is on the event horizon.
To do this, let me first describe the context of where I am coming from. Trump’s behavior surrounding his indictment in New York and his most recent indictment in Miami is curious. A person could look at two ways: either Trump has a great poker face or Trump is really not scared. I had a suspicion and started to dig up information about Trumps relationship with the FBI and this is where the information is leading me:
What if Donald J Trump was and still is a Confidential Human Source (CHS) for the FBI?
I pose this as a question because to state is a fact would be hard to support. We can say for certain that Trump was instrumental in the largest mafia takedown in recent history. This occurred in the early 1980’s. You can see from the FBI file below that Trump is steering the FBI to place agents within his newly planned Casino. The FBI case agent thinks there are better ways for Trump to invest his money. Of course, there may be better ways to invest money, but the casino was the way to bring the mafia in for the bust.
By now, most of this is old news. Trump worked closely with Daniel Sullivan who was a labor union activist and construction consultant for Trump. Daniel Sullivan was also an FBI informant. This from a Washington Post article back in 2016:
It turned out Sullivan was telling the truth. One day in April 1981, he walked into Trump’s Manhattan office with two men in suits. They were FBI agents, and they wanted to talk to Trump about organized crime.
Trump welcomed them in.
It would appear enough time has passed (and so has Daniel Sullivan) that the FBI files/memos and various articles relating to this story are easily available (using this helps to bypass certain paywalls
In a sense, the events of this case have escaped the event horizon in such a manner that we are able to clearly see them now.
So, what does it matter that Trump worked with FBI informants and agents over 40 years ago. Well, I happen to think that is says a lot about who Trump was as President and could explain a lot about what is going on today. It turns out I am not the only one:
The memo, portraying a series of early meetings between Trump and the FBI, may provide important clues about the nature of the relationship between the future president-elect and the country’s largest law enforcement agency. It is not understood whether, or how deeply, Trump cooperated with the bureau in this particular instance or in the decades since, although the Washington Post has reported that Trump invited one of the agents at those early meetings to sporting events and concerts as late as the mid-1980s.
The raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate was an event that had me thinking that something is not adding up. I suspected that he was the bait and not the target but was not entirely certain. The events that followed relating to Biden’s own mishandling of documents while Vice President (only Presidents can declassify documents) strengthens my position on this. Additionally, it would appear a CHS may have been involved in pre-empting the raid:
“The raid on Mar-a-Lago was based largely on information from an FBI confidential human source, one who was able to identify what classified documents former President Trump was still hiding and even the location of those documents, two senior government officials told Newsweek.
The officials, who have direct knowledge of the FBI's deliberations and were granted anonymity in order to discuss sensitive matters, said the raid of Donald Trump's Florida residence was deliberately timed to occur when the former president was away. “
You know what my mind is thinking? What if Trump is the CHS that tipped them off? What a savage move that would have been! It turns out that others were suspecting the same thing but could not quite place their finger on who it could be:
One of former president Donald Trump’s former chiefs of staff says that the source of information which led to the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago would have had to be someone “very close” to Mr Trump and who knew where he kept the documents he took from the White House before leaving office.
And this from the convicted lying lawyer Michael Cohen:
Donald Trump's ex-personal attorney and fixer Michael Cohen suspects that the possible informant involved in the FBI's raid on the former president's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida is one of his own kids or his son-in-law, Jared Kushner.
"It's definitely a member of [Trump's] inner circle," Cohen told Insider on Thursday, adding, "I would not be surprised to find out it is Jared or one of his children."
It’s almost as if they can see the outline of the black hole but cannot quite fully describe it. Its obvious that they believe someone close to Trump is leading the FBI and the DOJ in a certain direction, but they just don’t know who. Again, what if we are forgetting who Trump has been to the FBI for decades: a Confidential Human Source. Things begin to make a lot more sense when you consider that Trump may be the one leading the scumbags to the FBI and DOJ (partisan hack AG Merrick Garland excluded). I know what you are saying, “But the DOJ and FBI are corrupt, why would Trump work with them?” That’s a fair question. However, I don’t believe all of the FBI is corrupt, in fact I know its not. I know several FBI agents that work for local offices who are just as patriotic and God-fearing as we are.
Like a moth to the flame, I believe Donald Trump is drawing out the corrupt infiltrators both in the FBI and DOJ. To take it a step further, I suspect much of what is happening now is Trump clearing the decks of corrupt agents, lawyers (even his own lawyers), prosecutors, and judges.
It turns out I am not the only one who believes this. Dawson S Field (@DawsonSField on Twitter) is convinced of this. While I disagree with him on several points, he seems convinced that Trump is currently an FBI CHS.
Now Dawson states this as a fact and he uses this 2021 ruling to support it. I read the ruling (its only 5 pages) and I can sort of see where he is coming from. You can read the decision here:
I am certainly no law expert, and I don’t claim to fully understand all aspects of these certain cases. However, I am smart enough to connect some dots here and there. Stick with me on this as things may get somewhat confusing.
When I read this decision, I saw that the DOJ refused to release some information to the plaintiff citing an exemption form the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The exemption in question is this:
This exemption is brought up again another case I will show you in a minute. Now, the decision was that case is moot because the court lacked jurisdiction. I believe where Dawson is convinced of Trumps CHS is that the DOJ chose not to release certain information to protect Trumps confidentiality as a CHS. To me that seems weak but maybe I am missing something.
What is more interesting to me is this case:
So, the plaintiff here wants to know more about Trumps status as an FBI informant? Really? So do I. Well, not as an informant but as a CHS. An informant is typically a person who has been leveraged against a crime to now work in cooperation with law enforcement. Trump has no crimes use against him.
In search
of answers, Plaintiffs submitted a request under the Freedom
of Information Act to Defendant Department of Justice. The Government, as it is wont to do
with law-enforcement records, issued a so-called “Glomar” response, meaning that it would
neither confirm nor deny whether it maintained any such documents about Trump.
Similar to the previous case, the government chooses to withhold certain information only this time they use the “Glomar Clause.” The Glomar Clause is basically saying they can neither confirm nor deny the presence of certain information.
There is that exemption again from the FOIA request. Are you seeing the pattern yet? When it comes to Trumps status relating to the DOJ/FBI, the agencies routinely cite the same exemption (or the Glomar Response) to presumably maintain a person’s privacy or the confidentiality of an ongoing investigation. Either way, IF (perhaps a very big IF) Donald J Trump is still an FBI CHS this would explain the government’s position.
What are they protecting and what are they trying to hide? The Glomar response is interesting because it reminds me of the military treatment we were expected to give to Secret and Top Secret operations: I can neither confirm nor deny. When an operation is no longer active, we can comment on such things, otherwise its “I can neither confirm nor deny.” Something about Trumps status with the FBI/DOJ is active and being covered up. They are creating a black hole of information around Donald J Trump.
Something is on the event horizon near the black hole of Trumps status with the FBI. Like @Andre YMKYMFOI’s black hole analogy, we can see something, and I believe more is coming to light as time passes. I believe the black hole is taking shape and perhaps we are beginning to see the outline of what is to come. The current indictments of Trump do not worry me now that I am focused on his relationship to the DOJ (AG Garland withstanding) and the FBI. All we need is more passage of time. It would appear the FBI is just waiting for the right time as well:
The FBI is not only going to provide the information, but they are going to provide justification. Wow, I cannot wait to hear what the justifications are.
While the media is frantically looking for ways to paint Donald Trump in the worst possible light, I am focused on Trumps relationship with the DOJ/FBI suspecting that he is yet again, setting up the cabal on behalf of the FBI. Perhaps that is why Trump always says, “Let see what Happens.” We are just going to have to wait and see what come to light. Time is all that separates us from what is to come on Trump’s Event Horizon.
“I would rather die with Christ and hope in my heart and be called a fool then to stand over the dead corpse of the Republic and say, I told you so.”
The media made such a big deal over Trump's losses and bankruptcy regarding his Atlantic City Casino when he ran in 2016. It makes me wonder whether or not Trump was just the face of that casino and it was really a complete sting operation to take down the mafia. Maybe he was compensated in some way and none of it was ever made public knowledge? Just speculating because I really don't know much about that situation so feel free to correct me. Honestly, Trump being a CHS would not surprise me at all. In fact, nothing surprises me any more in this clown world we live in, however, I would love this to be true!!!
Excellent points. Always wonder where President Trump and Q are going with this "movie", now that "they broke the seal".