Perhaps my least favorite Q drops are the ones that tell us to “Trust the Plan.” This is especially frustrating when no one knows for certain what the “plan” actually is. I used to think I had a good idea of what the plan was. I thought Trump was alluding to it in EO13961 but I have since learned differently. Trust, in and of itself, is a difficult subject for many people (including me). Nevertheless, we probably do need to put our trust in something. I place my trust in Jesus first and foremost. From there, I guess it just depends on what we are talking about.
Like most teenagers, I had a rough time with my parents. Gaining their trust and searching for ways to gain my own autonomy was a constant struggle. Being a father of two adult boys, two teenage daughters and a ten-year-old daughter has given me a new perspective on trust. To me, trust is no longer a feeling; it is a verb.
I spent the better part of my teen years and twenties trying to gain the trust and approval of my father. This is probably not a unique story. It can be a frustrating and tortured existence to try and gain something that is never made available to you. Like a carrot dangled in front of us, many will spend their lives in the futile pursuit of trust and approval that they will never obtain simply because it was never offered. That is why, despite my feelings, I make a deliberate effort to never withhold trust from my children.
My children have and will continue to do things to break that trust and hurt my feelings. That is part of the process. I am prepared to look beyond my feelings and extend trust again. However, I am blessed to say that it has been more good than bad. As for the trust I place in other things and people, my scorecard may not be as good. We have all placed our trust in individuals lately only to be disappointed and have that trust broken. While this is tragic, the greater tragedy would be to never trust again.
I am reminded of a phrase that was made popular by President Ronald Reagan: “Trust, but verify.” I wonder how many of you, like me, have heard the phrase but didn’t know where it came from. Here is what I found:
“Trust, but verify” entered American usage when Reagan’s adviser on Russian affairs, Suzanne Massie, was preparing the president for talks with Mikhail Gorbachev in 1986. Perhaps Reagan ought to learn a few Russian proverbs, Massie suggested, and the one he liked best was “Doveryai no proveryai” — trust, but verify. Reagan liked it so much, in fact, that Gorbachev expressed annoyance at the president for using it at every meeting.
Hillary Clinton tried her own spin on this from the same Washington Post article:
as president her own approach to the Iranians would be similarly guarded. “You remember President Reagan’s line about the Soviets — trust but verify? My approach will be ‘distrust and verify.’ ”
This is just another reason to be thankful she never won the 2016 election. Nothing is gained by living a life distrusting everyone and everything. It is scary prospect to place trust in others. While extending trust leaves us vulnerable and open to be hurt, not ever trusting leads to a callus and disaffected existence. A life where no one ever enjoys your approval or the benefit of a close friendship. To me it is clear we must continue to place trust in others and in other things. If we must trust something or someone, I think I am going to trust We The People.
I have never liked the notion that we are the “plan.” But as the information war continues to drag on, it is becoming more obvious now than ever, WE are the plan. We are the focus. Consider this post:
More than trusting the plan, Q has made more references to trusting yourself. If we are meant to trust ourselves that means I am trusting you! I have no crystal ball to know what will happen in the 2022 midterms. It is probably safe to assume that the Democrats are going to try and cheat on a level close to 2020 if not greater. Does that mean we are going to have the same stolen result? I must trust the people. I have to trust that enough has been done on a state level to prevent fraud and that We the People show up on the day of elections and vote.
There has been a lot of confusion, misrepresentation, misinformation, and counterintelligence surrounding the issue of the 2020 stolen election. If we focus on 2022 and 2024, are we then just forgetting about 2020? If we focus on 2020 and trying to fix that are we losing focus on 2022 and 2024? I really don’t have an answer for this other than…trust, but verify!
This is what cannot be lost in all of this, despite what happened in 2020, if we as a society have lost trust in our elections then we are on the precipice of anarchy. I believe the elements that would destroy our Republic would love nothing more than to ruin our trust in elections on BOTH sides, Republican and Democrat. An America where our elections are no longer trusted we tread very close to the edge of collapse in my opinion. How long after trust in our elections is destroyed will the assault on the judiciary and the constitution begin? The truth is it has already begun.
We MUST trust our elections but verify.
Our feelings cannot really factor into this. I am still mad about 2020. I don’t ever want to forget it. My heart was broken, and my trust was violated. Regardless of that, I must extend trust in our elections again. Just like I would extend that trust to my own children, I must extend trust in the American people again. Anyone telling us that we must fix 2020 or else does not have our best interests in mind. I choose to believe 2020 will be dealt with in due time.
Trump made a point to return power to the people. He did not make it a point to keep some of it for himself during this period of the Biden administration. What power do you think Trump was talking about returning to us? Was it executive power that has been abused for over 80 years? I don’t think so. What makes our country unique is the awesome power of our votes; one person one vote. I look back on that day when he said this:
“The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land. That all changes starting right here and right now. Because this moment is your moment. It belongs to you.” -Donald J Trump
Put the above quote in the context of elections. Their victories have not been our victories. While they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families. What victories, what celebrations? Could those be electoral victories and electoral celebrations? The Uniparty has rigged our elections for over 20 years with the candidates THEY wanted on both sides of the aisle (think McCain and Romney). It is time for the power of the people to be returned; our voting power.
I believe returning power to the people is showing us the power of our votes and returning the voting power back to you and me. We must be shown how powerful our votes are for us to appreciate what was stolen and to make sure it never happens again. But first, we must trust in our elections and verify.
Donald Trump placed his trust in us and in the belief that the best is yet to come. If there is a plan to trust, then I believe we are the plan. I choose to Trust the Plan.
“I would rather die with the Christ and hope in my heart and be called a fool than to stand over the dead corpse of the Republic and say I told you so.”
This is an excellent substack. It is a true revelation for all of us.
I have always thought that the plan was about entropy and ectopy. Entropy of one's true self and ectopy of the world. That way, the individual possesses their individual power/rights and the ectopy of the world cannot infringe on it.
I needed this article and appreciate it's sincerity.
We must vote
As a citizen of this illustrious country, I do vote and will be doiing so again on November 8th, come Hell or high water. Though trust may have been broken, as an American, our devotion to our country is an inante characteristic that never dies.