In a myopic world of patriots versus Luciferian Deep State operatives, the line between what is real, and fantasy is often very blurred. Certainly, those who follow Q and the subsequent Anons have been faced with their share of disappointments. Likewise, those of us who subscribe to the idea that Devolution was Trump’s choice (myself included) we have also had our doubts at times. Let’s be clear, Trump has this one folks.
There is no shortage of possible outcomes and theories how we get there. We are all sort of looking through a dark glass dimly trying to make out the exact form of what is coming towards us. Perhaps the best analogy put forth was that of a black hole thanks to Andre on Free Atlantis. We cannot make out the exact form, but we can see the effects. With that in mind, I thought why not just focus what we know Trump has done…Executive orders. Afterall, it was theorized recently by Brian Cates that perhaps the supply chain issue is a direct result of Trump’s Executive Orders taking effect.
Going to the Federal Registry, I started with the popular EO’s like 13848 and 13959 that are mentioned pretty regularly in our circles, However, it was Executive Order 13961 that caught my attention recently. For those unfamiliar wit this executive order it was signed but Trump on December 7th 2020. To be clear this is a full month after Biden had stolen the 2020 Election. The Executive order is named. “Governance and Integration of Federal Mission Resilience.”
Like so many of Trump’s Executive Orders in and around 2020, the context is often assumed to be that a of a Covid 19 pandemic. In other words, when Trumps talks about certain individuals (i.e. Secretary of Defense…EO 13963) being unable to carry out their duties it is assumed it is because they have been compromised by Covid 19. However, what if the reason for incapacitation was because it was proven they were illegitimately elected, colluded with foreign enemies, or otherwise compromise (Durham Investigation)? How important is this Executive Order in this context? I would say quite important.
Now I will admit, reading executive orders is not thrilling to most people. I guess I am just wired differently. So, what it is about EO13961 that would be of any interest us? Well, for starters it is basically an EO signed under a National Emergency. If you have followed Brian Cates at all you know that EO’s signed under a National Emergency are not easily undone. Perhaps one of the greatest ”proofs” of Devolutions in my opinion is the fact that Biden extended EO13848 on September of this year; the vey EO that will be used to take down his administration and most likely half of the Deep State.
Consider this:
Executive departments and agencies (agencies), including the Executive Office of the President, must maintain the capability and capacity to continuously perform National Essential Functions (NEFs), as defined by PPD-40, regardless of threat or condition, and with the understanding that adequate warning may not be available. Agency heads must fully integrate preparedness programs, including continuity and risk management, into day-to-day operations to ensure the preservation of the NEFs under all conditions.
This is in Sections 1 of the EO and right away I am drawn to the portion of National Essential Functions (NEF). As followers of Devolution we know that there is this reference to essential functions that must be maintained for continuity of government. In fact, I was first made aware of such a thing because of what Patel Patriot and others alluded to. To my knowledge, no one has exactly defined what these are. Well, here I am to give them to you as defined by President George W Bush in 2004:
1. Ensuring the continued functioning of our form of government under the Constitution,
including the functioning of the three separate branches of government;
2. Providing leadership visible to the Nation and the world and maintaining the trust
and confidence of the American people;
3. Defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic, and preventing or interdicting attacks against the United States or its
people, property, or interests;
4. Maintaining and fostering effective relationships with foreign nations;
5. Protecting against threats to the homeland and bringing to justice perpetrators of
crimes or attacks against the United States or its people, property, or interests;
6. Providing rapid and effective response to and recovery from the domestic consequences
of an attack or other incident;
7. Protecting and stabilizing the Nation’s economy and ensuring public confidence in
its financial systems; and
8. Providing for critical Federal Government services that address the national health,
safety, and welfare needs of the United States.
Under the Executive order that Trump signed the departments of the Executive Branch must maintain the capabilities listed in the NEF’s. The Second Essential Function is one that I find particularly interesting. Trump and his team must provide visible leadership to maintain the trust and confidence of the American people. In the world we live in now, is it such a stretch to believe that Trump simply let Biden be installed to fulfill this capacity. This is especially true if you consider the efficacy of letting someone else parade as the President while the real Commander in Chief is left to lead the clandestine war we all know is at hand.
In Section of the Executive Order we find reference to the Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy. In essence this is basically removing the need to relocate the Executive branch. In our new Covid world who wants to really go into the office anyway. This portion of the EO basically tells the Executive Branch to work from home:
Sec. 2. Federal Mission Resilience Strategy. To achieve this policy, in conjunction with this order, I am signing the Federal Mission Resilience Strategy (Strategy), which should be implemented to increase the resilience of the executive branch. Implementing the Strategy will reduce the current reliance on reactive relocation of personnel and enhance a proactive posture that minimizes disruption, distributes risk to the performance of NEFs, and maximizes the cost-effectiveness of actions that ensure continuity of operations, continuity of government, and enduring constitutional government.
Now, Section 3 basically defines the executive committee, and the only portion of note is the line that reads:
When issues concerning science and technology, including communications technology, are on the agenda, the Executive Committee also shall include the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).
People familiar with or anticipating EBS might find this portion quite interesting. It would appear Trump has many of the bases covered. The EO continues on Section 4 for to detail what is this committee shall do. Hang on to your hats folks…especially you folks who follow Q:
d) The Executive Committee shall:
(i) coordinate the development of an implementation plan (Plan) for the Strategy and other continuity policy, as described in section 4(b) of this order, and shall facilitate execution of the Plan and other continuity policy, as appropriate;
(ii) advise the President, through the Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff (Chief of Staff), on the review, integration, and execution of the Strategy and other continuity policy, including the recommendations outlined in section 4(c) of this order;
(iii) establish, with consensus of its members and as appropriate, subordinate coordinating bodies; and
(iv) coordinate the development of an interagency framework under which agencies will assess and address risk to Federal Mission Resilience and NEFs across the executive branch.
I am guessing at this point some of you have already heard of the “Plan.” I have to be honest with you, references to the Plan have made me quite sick lately. However, there it is, the Plan. The rest of the Executive order is standard in terms of implementation and amendments. I find it very interesting that this EO was signed between the steal and January 20th, with the heavy reliance on NEF’s, and a reference to a plan. I think it will be very important moving forward to see how much of our current events fall in line with certain NEF functions (specifically 4 and 5). To me it is very clear that much what is unfolding today is EXACTLY in line with these NEF’s, according to the PLAN as listed above, and in according with Trump’s Federal Mission Resiliency Strategy. Is this to say Devolution is not in play but rather trump’s Executive order 13961? Not at all, this is not a zero-sum game, it is very possible that both are in play. Perhaps EO13961 is the gravity that guards the black hole that is Devolution. Either way, America wins!
“ I would rather die with Christ and Hope in my heart and be called a fool than to stand of the dead corpse of the Republic and say, “ I told you so.”
I agree with just about everything you say here. Except one. "This is not a zero sum game."
I beg to differ. This has to be a zero sum game. We CANNOT afford to let these "people" survive after this. We CANNOT allow [them] to do what [they]'ve always done and just "disappear" from public view, only to "reappear" later in a different form and under a different name.
For more info on what I'm talking about, I direct you to Will Zoll's substack, #Prussiagate, aka the Prussia Gate Papers. He explains just who and what these "people" are, the ideology [they] espouse, and the tactics [they] use to control us.
After reading his substack articles (there's a lot), it will become clear that we no longer can afford to just let [them] "disappear" out of public view.
POTUS45 knows this, hence his recent talk of treason, sedition, and the use of the Federal death penalty.
What if Trump is just another faction of the Illuminati, the game they have always played. They bankrolled the US and Germany during the war. Devolution is essentially COG, put into effect by Bush/Cheney, not our founding fathers. Thus the important question might not be is devolution happening, but if it is do we want it . Its just another emergency powers act that strips us of any rights and controls every aspect of the country. Totalitarianism disguised as a Savior.
I totally disagree with your comments. Anyone who has followed Trump since the beginning can see that he is not part of the DS. He absolutely detests them and the damage that they are doing to our nation. His policies of AMERICA FIRST puts the interests of the American people first,unlike the Globalist plans of the DS. There is only one Savior, Jesus Christ.
Trump is fighting another faction of the controlling families. That faction wants to rule through totalitarianism. The Trump faction wants to continue capitalism through Nationalism. So he is a part, just a different part. Rockefeller and Rothchild were at odds with each other as to how to control populations, but many label them deep state. There are many who want the old normal to come back and look to Trump. However some don't want either one and are labeled Libertarian or independent . They don't want socialism, communism , totalitarianism, republics, but self governance.
It is tough to listen to Steve Bannon every day of the week and also believe in Devolution, though I desperately want Devolution to be true, and very soon. Hope is a hard thing to recover intact once bruised, if not lost.
I agree with just about everything you say here. Except one. "This is not a zero sum game."
I beg to differ. This has to be a zero sum game. We CANNOT afford to let these "people" survive after this. We CANNOT allow [them] to do what [they]'ve always done and just "disappear" from public view, only to "reappear" later in a different form and under a different name.
For more info on what I'm talking about, I direct you to Will Zoll's substack, #Prussiagate, aka the Prussia Gate Papers. He explains just who and what these "people" are, the ideology [they] espouse, and the tactics [they] use to control us.
After reading his substack articles (there's a lot), it will become clear that we no longer can afford to just let [them] "disappear" out of public view.
POTUS45 knows this, hence his recent talk of treason, sedition, and the use of the Federal death penalty.
What if Trump is just another faction of the Illuminati, the game they have always played. They bankrolled the US and Germany during the war. Devolution is essentially COG, put into effect by Bush/Cheney, not our founding fathers. Thus the important question might not be is devolution happening, but if it is do we want it . Its just another emergency powers act that strips us of any rights and controls every aspect of the country. Totalitarianism disguised as a Savior.
Interesting take on this, and worth pondering.
I totally disagree with your comments. Anyone who has followed Trump since the beginning can see that he is not part of the DS. He absolutely detests them and the damage that they are doing to our nation. His policies of AMERICA FIRST puts the interests of the American people first,unlike the Globalist plans of the DS. There is only one Savior, Jesus Christ.
Trump is fighting another faction of the controlling families. That faction wants to rule through totalitarianism. The Trump faction wants to continue capitalism through Nationalism. So he is a part, just a different part. Rockefeller and Rothchild were at odds with each other as to how to control populations, but many label them deep state. There are many who want the old normal to come back and look to Trump. However some don't want either one and are labeled Libertarian or independent . They don't want socialism, communism , totalitarianism, republics, but self governance.
Wow . y'all got my attention!
Nice work Patriot
It is tough to listen to Steve Bannon every day of the week and also believe in Devolution, though I desperately want Devolution to be true, and very soon. Hope is a hard thing to recover intact once bruised, if not lost.