Interesting! Who knows? I'm sure we will be seeing many surprises when all is done. Funny thing is that when we look behind, we see more clearly and it seems more simple in retrospect. Most of all I am grateful to see so many proofs that we did not "bet on the wrong horse". Trump: for God and country!. I remember many of the things he used to "promise" us, and they have all come true! Praise God for giving us this Servant!. He honors God publicly all the time, and it makes my heart soar!

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Jeesh , just when i thought i had a handle on all the ism's, you throw in then and now. Have to say it's pretty great you did this piece as it turns out, I really did not! I also never understood why or how fascism was connected. I am assuming SA=State Actors here? Thank you for the HISTORY lesson and perspective.💞

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Thank you for devoting your efforts to a discussion of fascism. Nicely done.

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Great points. Honeypot tactics can certainly be used against the cabal and we've been foolish not to consider it more.

I think the leaking of Dobbs, regardless of whose side did it, did serve to show the issue wasn't as hot as some had imagined. The matter now returns to the states--where it always belonged--and can no longer be used to divide the country at the Federal level.

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Yes Antifa can call themselves anything they want, it is their actions that define them. The Left-Right spectrum is largely a useless distraction, in the past as much as now. Antifa are authoritarians, as are communists, and fascists. The common theme is the willingness to use violence to achieve power over others for the benefit of a minority. Opposed to this are the various forms of Libertarianism- of which Classical Liberalism is, ironically now, an important component. Authoritarianism-Libertarianism is a far more accurate spectrum than Left-Right.

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Thank You again Bier👏❤️ God bless You and Your's 🙌

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I wonder how this fascinating explanation comports with Just Human (Kyle’s) 108 or 109 that described Antifa as being started by a German guy. Confused.

Can you explain to me the difference between Nazism and socialism and fascism. I understand fascism much better after your piece, but …oh does it matter?

Dave reported that all these government agencies are promoting that SCOTUS decision (s) be ignored!!! They are trying to toss out the constitution left and right. YIKES!

Our constitution is MAJOR! We need to see nd protect it.


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NAZI is the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party. Hitler came to power on the platform of Socialism but always envied Mussolinis form of Fascism. Soon the NAZI party had pretty much adopted all tactics of Fascism.

The modern iteration of Fascism in America was started by who Just Human talked about, but instead of Nationalism being the core that they are bound by, its globalism.

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Great analysis on Fascism and Antifa. Great point on them being globalist centered. They are the brown shirts of the globalists in whatever country they need them. I think you’re right about a lot of this. These amateurs didn’t know who they were dealing with.

We’ve mapped them and taken out a lot of the organizers, funding and most violent members.

These protests are a joke now.

Great article my friend

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