Like many of you, I have been looking forward to this month for quite some time. Traditionally, the month of October in an election year has been known as the “October Surprise.” That is to say, some surprise development or headline will be released that is intended to change the outcome of an election held in November.
This month is especially interesting because Q mentions it as “Red October.”
It is interesting that Q also mentions that the Hunters become the hunted.
The confluence of events lining up for October seem to be in line with what Q was mentioning. Suddenly, the Hunter Biden laptop is taking center stage in the media. Decisions are pending on whether Special Attorney Weiss will be bringing charges against Hunter. Is that the hunter that is being hunted? We have been waiting a long time for this to develop and it appears we may be getting a decision very soon.
In a matter of days, the Durham trial with Danchenko will be starting and I suspect this will not paint the Democrats or the Deep State in a good light heading into the Midterms. Elon Musk appears to be on track again to purchase Twitter. And let’s not forget the Harper vs Moore Supreme Court case. This case has the potential to unravel a great many truths about the 2020 elections: specifically, the 2020 election theft.
So, let’s talk about the elections. As I was sitting in my election poll worker training class yesterday, I have to say that my mind began to wander. I have worked it before so much of it was review. I started to think how heavily dependent we are on technology. It’s not just the casting machines that count the votes and keep the ballots, but there is a front-end component as well. Here in Ohio, they use iPads to scan the drivers license, verify information, and issue a ballot. These iPads are supposed to be on a closed loop network but can be easily manipulated to find an adjacent network to connect to. How do I know this? I will let your imagination answer that one (remember I am a Network Architect by trade).

Then I was thinking, what advantage would there be to connecting this front-end iPad to an adjacent network? Afterall, it is just data about the voter and what type of ballot to issue. Wait, what type of ballot to issue? Then it started to make sense. These front-end units tabulate aggregate numbers of voters and numbers of ballots issued. If I wanted to know more about how many more ballots I needed to ensure my candidate wins, I could find out here.
The point is NOT if this happening or if it did happen in 2020. The point is that there are too many ways for this go bad electronically. There are simply too many points of vulnerability. I am not a cyber security guy by trade. However, what little I do know, limiting the points of exposure to the unsecure world is really step one in security. It is probably why Trump has said many times that paper ballots are the way to go.
"Going to good ol' fashioned paper in this modern age is the way to do it," the president told reporters at the White House.
We have this belief that if we overwhelm the polls next month that we will realize, not only a red wave, but a red tsunami. Let’s bring this back to reality. First of all, the 2020 elections were nothing short of a red tsunami and it was stolen. Stay with me here, this is NOT a fix 2020 or else rant. We simply have to overwhelm the polls…ON THE DAY OF THE ELECTION. If all you can do is early vote or mail-in vote, then do so and get everyone else to vote. However, if you can show up on the day, please choose to do that instead of mail-in or early voting. The reason is simple: if we tip our hand and they find out they need more ballots, they will find them!
Biden did NOT get 81 million votes; he got 81 million ballots!
Secondly, the media will never let us have the win unless it is just too undeniable. If we wake up the morning after the election expecting to see a mainstream media meltdown like we saw in 2016, I have bad news for you. A repeat of the 2016 disaster for the media is not likely, but lets just review it because its fun:
The Chinese bought-and-paid for state run media we have in the country will NEVER let that happen again. They are not going to let us have the 2022 mid term election tsunami melt down. I am certainly not expecting it. However, what I am expecting might come as a surprise to you. I am expecting the Democrats to cheat like crazy and the media to try and paint a Democrat victory even if it turns out to be a loss. I also expect a November Surprise.
Imagine if you had evidence that a robbery was going to take place in your neighborhood. Let’s say you present that evidence and prevent that robbery from taking place. That could be an attempted robbery charge or a conspiracy charge.
Now imagine if you had the same evidence and you let the robbery happen and you caught them in the act. Now you have a different crime committed and a charge of burglary is leveled against the assailant.
Finally, imagine if you had that evidence and the entire neighborhood was robbed in a coordinated fashion. You let it happen and you let the robbers try and cover it up. Now you have entirely different set of charges and crimes committed. This is where my head has been for a while. It was never enough for Trump and the patriots to prevent the steal of the 2020 election. They had to let it happen and they needed the coverup. The cover up removes all plausible deniability. They cannot claim it was an accident or they didn’t know. Sometimes the coverup is worse than the crime.
If you have not subscribed to Richard the Saints substack I highly recommend that you do. In his Flight 1745 series explains the same concerns that I have. However the last line I find very compelling:
Should we vote? Well of course but that is constitutional duty on our part. But this whole notion that we’re going to cast more votes for a Republican than a system can generate for a Democrat is complete lunacy. For Pete’s sake have you ever been to a county fair? My goodness you’ll spend $45 to get a Cookie Monster stuffed animal and you’ll walk away convincing yourself you just won.
You either catch a cheat red handed, outsmart him, or a combination.
I highly recommend reading the entirety of this article and the series to get the full context. That being said, how about that last line, “you either catch a cheat red handed, outsmart him, or a combination.” This is why it had to be this way. It is not enough to just prevent it. Trump and the patriots are catching them red handed and outsmarting them.
Now here is where things start to get exciting for me. Keep in mind, I am not a lawyer, I am tech nerd. The problem I always have is that I never think big enough when it come to Trump. Here is an excerpt from The Art of the Deal:
“IDON’T do it for the money. I’ve got enough, much more than I’ll ever need. I do it to do it. Deals are my art form. Other people paint beautifully on canvas or write wonderful poetry. I like making deals, preferably big deals. That’s how I get my kicks.” – Donald J Trump
He likes making deals, preferably big deals. Imagine again if you had evidence of the robbery to take place in your neighborhood. What if you let it happen, the entire neighborhood gets robbed in a coordinated fashion, they try to cover it up…AND you let them try to steal again? Again, I am no lawyer, but wouldn’t that constitute a pattern of thievery? A pattern of corruption on the scale of a RICO case.
It is my opinion that Trump and the patriots allowed 2020 to be stolen, let the Deep State/Democrats/Media try and cover it up, and let them try and steal the 2022 midterms to establish the pattern. What if, trying to steal this midterms election is the last election theft needed to establish the basis for the biggest RICO case in American history?
Remember, our President likes to make BIG deals.
“I would rather die with Christ and hope in my heart and be called a fool than to stand over the dead corpse of the Republic and say, I told you so.”
The part of Flight1745 that contradicts your "let them win and then bust them" is that RTS's order of events goes like this:
(starting at #10)
10. Complete a test cycle during 2020 primary elections.
Perform tests on candidate Biden, Sanders, Warren, Bloomberg, and Buttigieg.
Oversee Biden victory
11. Complete project execution during 2020 general election.
Oversee Biden victory
12. Complete project execution during 2021 special senate election.
Oversee Warnock and Ossoff victories
13. Perform global backups of election data.
<<<-------------------------- YOU ARE HERE.
14. Disable software required for electronic manipulation.
That means we WILL overwhelm them because the cheats have been disabled. 5:5
My voting place still uses a notebook with paper listings of eligible voters. That ipad thing is not good.