Love this Biernutz! Life is such a gift. It’s a personal journey and learning more about yours is very uplifting. You opened your heart and invited others in. I really appreciate the invitation.

I too love fishing. Some of my fondest memories through my lost twenties were me just escaping for the day to go fish by myself. I’m looking forward to retirement and more fishing.

Blessings brother!

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Beautiful ❤️.. Thank You for sharing Bier 🙏 God bless You and Your's 🙏 🙌

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A heart-warming story, thank you. I did not have the blessing of knowing my Grandfathers, they both died before I was born. But I can relate to your experience with Ritalin. I was one of the earliest kids to be prescribed that, in my sophomore year in high school, and after experiencing the side effects I refused to continue taking it. I can also relate to your Grandfather's bi-polar illness, which I experienced in my 20's and 30's. Thankfully, I was eventually healed of that, praise Almighty Yahweh.

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So very grateful you shared this, it has just cleared up a similar yearning for a simpler time, ( Rural West) . I agree " the best is yet to come". 💞

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Thank you for your beautiful story. I too was very close to my grandfather so I understand that bond. I’m glad you are fishing again. 😊

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Thank you so much! What an inspirational story of Hope , Love and Life. With Jesus!

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Life is so precious. Thank you for sharing your beautiful memories with me. I love your grandpa too and look forward to meeting him some day. When all sickness sadness and sorrow have fled away! Yay🌸🌸🌸

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Your beautifully told story pulled me right in and tugged at my heart strings. Thank you so much for sharing these very personal details sprinkled with scripture and love. May God's Blessings be always upon you and your home.

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