Yes. So good to take this view of it. We who followed the Q drops from the start need to continually re-examine and re-affirm what we gleaned from them then, and see how "future proves past". Military ops for sure. Only those who actually SEEK will FIND. "Ask and it shall be revealed unto you".

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Great article as usual. I have been wondering lately if the only way the normies are going to wake up is if the MSM actually starts telling the truth. Is it part of “The Plan” to have this happen at some point? I sure hope so. I personally know MAGA sheep who still watch The Nightly News every night. Why? Because they’ve been watching it for 40 years and trust it. The Deep State plan worked on them. So it seems logical to me that since the MSM put them to sleep it will be the MSM that wake them up. Maybe an honest media is just wishful thinking. Regardless, I will continue to feel hopeful that in the end everything will be okay.

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the truth is resolute. It needs no supporting revelations. When and if they are ready for it, we will be there...wont we?

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Absolutely, with open arms!

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I figured the MSM would have to be manipulated to bring along enough if the blue pills. There’s a more extreme population that must be countered and we need the decent people with fantasy lifes to be able to grasp a little bit of evil. Maybe it’s not good for all people to know absolutely every detail. Maybe it’s reserved for those who aren’t necessarily more thick skinned, we just have a strange mixture of overwhelming curiosity and resolve to know what framework we exist in. I guess the main question we have to ask ourselves is, if it is in Trump’s power, how much of a WWE takedown does he want?

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I don't think we're required for the specialisations at all. The ancient cabal, in its present iteration, is being dismantled. Our job is to know why, what, and how, to the best of our individual abilities. The relatively few actually engaged in the present operation of perhaps a few tens of thousands of people can do their jobs, but they have no control over how the masses, at large, mostly disengaged and unaware, react and deal with it as the takedown unfolds. How the other 7 billion or so react is absolutely critical to ultimate success or failure here, and that is the purpose of drawing in the initial several millions, with operations such as Q. We have two major facts in our favour that the cabal never has had going for them: 1. Truth 2: God is Go(o)d.

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I can relate to the battle... I believe we may get our chance to be actionable , in fact some may say we already are if you look at the turnover in politics. It may not be flashy and fast but its getting attention and most likely a stepping stone.

The end won't be FOR EVERYONE.

That choice, to know, will be yours.

Always grateful for your thoughts...

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I sometimes go back to 2000-2010 me and remember how I would have died for an orchestration of such a massive red sweep. I would think I was part of a national swell of patriotism and fighting back those disgusting naughty Democrats. This was before I knew of international crimes.

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A lot of great questions my friend! I think questions are the only way to wake a lot of people up.

That’s why Q always asked a lot of questions to ignite critical thinking.

Great points my friend

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So this begs the question, why would Trump need to communicate this eway? He can’t use a cell phone to call or text. He can’t use email. He couldn’t use existing social media websites. So he had this board and the military has had this board. It’s public. Why is it public? Is this the only way? Did they use classified ads in newspapers in the past? Messages inside a folded newspaper handed off to some seemingly normal Joe? I do know that directives to the army- the entire army, including militia- that they had the authority to carry out the intentions of their leader. Also there’s this idea of carrying out the will of the people and how do you do that if you are not engaged with them? We are a human conduit between the American and global public and the inner machinations of a devolved government

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