Matt 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Point being, if you are taken to worry, worry only about today, tomorrow will have its own set of issues. Best of all, do not worry at all and trust GOD who clothes the flowers with beauty and sees even the sparrow fall, how much more important are you then either of them.

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I think the truth must come out so we ALL understand how to never let it happen again. Knowing God means understanding he's big on truth, justice and laws, and once Satan is taken out, we can go back to that. Just my opinion though.

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I think we are seeing that now are we not? The appetite for justice has never been higher by both sides and the disgust for political elites and legislators has never been higher. i predict it only gets worse for them. The restoration of our republic has to involve justice and enforcement of laws but that may take alot longer..

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I read his book titled "the rest of the story" so long ago. Should probably read it again. Beautifully written post. Thank you!

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I always loved Paul Harvey… in fact I sent Akroyd the “Rest of the story of Paul’s” titled, IF I WERE THE DEVIL. He put a video to it, several. Months ago. Go listen to that one!

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Thanks for the wonderful post. I loved Paul Harvey!

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My ALL TIME FAVORITE from Paul Harvey is his "If I were the Devil..." braodcast. How prescient!

You are right, he is missed.

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I grew up listening to ‘The Rest of the Story’ over lunch (we walked home from school for lunch -and back) and I came to understand what a gift Paul Harvey was to us….it helped bring a lot of folks to where we are today, understanding what we are up against and he was one of the influences (like my parents and grandparents) that allowed us to realize what we are up against! I remember the first time saw a picture of him…was not how I expected from his voice. What a gift God gave us.🙏

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I've more or less arrived at the same station. I don't really care to know it all. It's tiring and unproductive. Above all it is so degenerate that it's better to leave it alone.

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Thank You!

The words you write are deep and have meaning and wisdom! Thank you brother, thank you

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"look well to this one day..."


"...for it and it alone, is life!"

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