Great article. I’ll never think “nothing is happening” again.😊

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No real president during devolution. My opinion is that Amb. Grinnell and Sec. Pompeo represent our President in exile.

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Devo proof if there ever was one.

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As a wise man once said Silence is Golden - maybe that’s why it appears to be one of 45’s favorite colors. Thanks for putting these events and all the others in perspective.

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Thanks for another great perspective showing more evidence of Devolution!!! More good news!!!!!

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Nothing is happening?? What is happening is a blazing speed right now! Ukraine is the center of the cabal in so many ways and I agree with your article that Putin is taking out the trash whereas Trump couldn't in the climate we had at the time. With the EO's in place to strip all of the cabal of their resources we could get control of our oligarchs, as China and Russia have better been able to do. Understanding that money should not give one more power than government is a lesson we have needed to learn the hard way. Election interference, bio weapons labs, money laundering, political corruption, coups, wedge issues dividing the citizens, blatant Nazi groups, and a blundering leader put in place by the cabal to do their bidding. Did he finally get wise to the fact his head was on the literal chopping block?

Ultimately, this move may right much more than just Ukraine. It has exposed NATO as insane war mongers and toothless to boot. As most bullies are. We need to get out of that org yesterday and put our money to much better use rebuilding our full spectrum economy. Hmmm... who was it that wanted that? I seem to recall but can't quite put my finger on his name :)

Move the chessboard around a bit more. And you are exactly right... the bombshells are in the silence. However they did this, as long as they right the world and get rid of the globalists who want to rule over all then silence is fine. Other than, we must never let it happen again and that is only done through sunlight and teaching our generations what we did as a government and how to stop it in the future.

They put so much effort into Ukraine. My guess is there are more bombshells to come.

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Enjoy your work and PP participation. You must have been born near the same cornfield as me. Crazy world and I always go back to my roots to find that solid base. Weeding through the non-sensical, unrelenting ads and other noise. Praise be Jesus!

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oh, from your lips to God's ears.....

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Thank you Mr. Nutz!

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I agree with everything you wrote.

With this exception (you knew there was a "But"): "When headlines and bombshells no longer tell the truth"......

Question: Did/Does "headlines and bombshells" ever really "tell the truth"?

(Just a thought from avid research and reading over 73 years.)

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That is a fair argument.

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Biernutz, spot on. Over target. I remember growing up with the Star Wars actions figures, too. The world seemed simpler then. What I like about the article is the challenge for us searching for the truth to look the unspoken things in our world. To look what's being said and not being. What's not being said, may be as impactful as what is. The challenge is to look for it. -- Reminds me of the "Deeper Meaning," which you, Just Human, Slag, and Patel Patriot dig at. I'm firmly convinced there is a deeper meaning to what Putin is doing and my gut is telling me it has to do with bio labs. Who knew about the bio labs? I didn't know about them until today. Silence about them until today? hummm. Thumbs up, Nutz!

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Thank You Biernutz🙏

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Loved your intro into this, thanks for the trip down memory lane! Solid subsidence and thought provoking as always. Much 💞

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Very good article. Thank you.

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As with music, there is silence between the notes and harmonies.

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